4: My Dick - Drawn To Scale

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"You did what?" Mikey exclaimed, eyes growing wide in Gerard's direction as the two of them walked down the road to school, distanced just enough from each other to make it awkward, and Gerard was really just praying that they'd get to Lindsey's soon, giving him reason not to put up with his hopeless excuse for a brother that much longer.

"I went to the skate park to see Frank." Gerard repeated the words that had slipped from his lips, almost by accident, only moments before, and Mikey went through the whole choking on air procedure once more, only to be passed nothing more than a roll of the eyes from his brother.

"And I can only assume that it went terribly." Mikey exhaled, pulling out his phone from his jacket pocket, and began texting furiously, perhaps just as an excuse to ignore his brother from now on: it didn't matter to Gerard all that much regardless, and they were nearing Lindsey's road soon enough anyway.

"No, actually." Gerard corrected him with nothing less than a smirk, causing Mikey to look up in a display of nothing less than utter disbelief. "It went very well indeed. He recognised me as the 'girl' he saw the other day, and not myself, and also refereed to me as 'sexually pleasing' at one point."

"Oh for fuck's sake." Mikey exclaimed, shaking his head and resisting the urge to facepalm as he considered just how badly a decision Gerard had made with nothing more than stupid fucking hormones would turn out to be. "This going to be an absolute train wreck, and you know that, Gerard."

"Did you remember to clear your Internet history after watching porn on my laptop, Mikey?" Gerard snapped back, rolling his eyes as the two distanced themselves from one another a little more.

"I don't watch porn-"

"Mikey, you're a fifteen year old teenage boy - look at this realistically here." Gerard shook his head as he checked his phone momentarily for any messages or the like, but of course, as he wasn't exactly famous for the amount of friends he had, there was in fact nothing, besides a missed call from his aunt, but that wasn't something he actually cared about at all.

"At least I don't watch gay porn." Mikey fought back, causing Gerard to turn around and raise his eyebrows at his brother, not at all offended - he'd heard it all by now, but he was going to make sure he depleted his brother of all emotionally manipulative guilt.

"And what are you saying by that, Michael?" He asked, face contorted into an almost overdone expression of offense. "Are you being homophobic?"

"Oh fuck off, Gerard, you know I don't give the slightest shit as to who you bone as long as you don't go into to detail to me about it." Mikey shook his head, seeing through Gerard's facade almost instantly, and causing Gerard to break into a small smile at Mikey's rather blunt response - he just wondered what their mother would think about all this: she barely knew anything about them, she didn't even know that Gerard liked guys, and that Mikey was a manwhore, and that Gerard was dressing up as a girl to get a straight guy.

You had to feel sorry for her - she couldn't even handle the weed.

"Yet you seem to care if it's Frank - the only guy I want to bone right now." Gerard added what was in fact a good point, however Mikey certainly had his reasoning behind his behaviour towards Gerard's feelings for Frank, and the almost pathetic manner in which he had chosen to act upon them.

"Because you can't bone Frank, he's fucking straight, and really, I'm just trying to save you from sudden death here, but you seem not to care at all." Mikey's sigh came out exasperated to an extreme, as by now he was more than fed up with his brother and his utter naivety.

"Yes, but he did call me sexually pleasing-" Gerard protested, the two of them stopping outside Lindsey's house, as Gerard waited for her to make her way outside.

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