7: I'd Probably Date You If You Washed Your Hair

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"Lindsey, seriously, I cannot cope with this, like he actually wants to kiss me again, and I just, wow, this is like everything I've ever wanted, you know?"

Gerard exclaimed, sat at some crappy lunch table with his old friend as he propped at his generic school meal shit as he contemplated just how safe to eat it was - he reckoned that perhaps not eating it would do his insides a favour, because he really wouldn't even feed his worst enemy this, not that Gerard really had a worst enemy, well other than Gabe, but Gabe was just a jealous piece of shit, and he reckoned that he could deal with that.

"That's actually kind of shallow, you know, like wow, do you do actually not have any other goals in life, like ones that don't revolve around Frank Iero?" Lindsey asked, pulling her gaze up from her phone, but only momentarily, of course, because she had some asshole asking for nudes that she needed to ensure knew that he was a piece of misogynistic shit - you know, just the daily grind.

"Yeah, when you put it like that, and when I think about I mean, I actually, I actually kind of don't, like wow... I am really shallow, but I actually just couldn't give a fuck because I've kissed Frank Iero and you haven't." He pulled his face into a ridiculous smirk and Lindsey considered giving up on her best friend entirely, but that wouldn't be particularly good for anyone's mental stability.

"Honestly, I'd rather not kiss Frank Iero, but whatever floats your boat, Gee." She sighed, pocketing her cellphone and turning her full attention to her best friend in a gesture that she knew she was going to end up regretting. "Also by the way, your brother and his friends are staring at you, like in the way that it's obvious that they're talking about you."

"Thanks for the confidence boost." Gerard rolled his eyes, pushing the tray of 'dog food' aside and throwing his head down against the table, burying his face in his forearms and wishing for a world in which this wasn't a shitty school lunch table and actually his bed. "It was well appreciated."

"Oh, you're very welcome." Lindsey sighed, trying her best not to make it obvious that she'd taken notice of Mikey's little group all turning around and staring at the dark haired mess that stank of coffee sat opposite her, but then again, they weren't exactly doing anything in the manner of secrecy, so why should she.

"Which friends are they? Just wondering, you know, like who hates me and what I should be threatening Mikey with tonight." Gerard murmured, his voice muffled against the table, and Lindsey couldn't help roll her eyes and even laugh a little at the fact that Frank Iero had unknowingly kissed this socially inadequate, sleep deprived mess, napping on the lunch table with his hair sticking up in all directions.

Really, either Frank was really fucking stupid, or Gerard did a really good girl impersonation. Despite the fact that he was a drama student, Lindsey still reckoned the former was the more likely of the two.

"Just Pete and Ray. No girls today, Mikey's let his game down, really." She smirked, attempting to make Gerard laugh enough to move his head up from the table, because really, people other than Mikey were starting to stare.

"Yes, or maybe he's gay..." Gerard mumbled into his arm, and Lindsey simply cut to the chase and slapped him, which definitely did the trick, releasing a pissed off grunt from the seventeen year old.

"What the fuck was that for?" He moaned, pulling his head up, and as Lindsey gestured, he turned to notice that in fact, none other than Alicia Simmons - Mikey's latest thing was walking straight past his brother, and over to their, largely abandoned table. She wanted to talk to Lindsey, obviously, Gerard doubted that despite dating his brother, she even knew his name at all.

"Hey, is it alright if I sit here, and like talk for a minute? Like, you're Gerard Way, you're Mikey's brother, aren't you?" She spoke in an overly friendly tone, and Gerard probably would have told her to fuck off if the fact that she'd actually bothered to learn his name didn't enthral him quite so much.

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