11: Gerard Way Didn't Eat Whole Grain Cereal For Nothing

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The tension between the two Way brothers at breakfast on an unfortunate Wednesday morning was utterly unbearable, and Mrs Way's oblivious outlook upon the whole situation did nothing but add to the silent yet just as deadly conflict between the two teenagers.

And really, Gerard didn't even have a fucking clue as to why Mikey was staring at him like axe-murdering his brother was something he was seriously considering, but of course, just to keep up, well, tradition, he found himself staring at the fifteen year old in exactly the same way.

And still Mrs Way busied herself with making cereal, leaving Gerard to glare at his brother from behind the brim of a piping hot mug of coffee - he downed that shit like a motherfucker in order to assert dominance, and just like that, Mikey grabbed what was clearly some kind of fucked up illegal pill of some sort from his pocket and popped it into his mouth without a second thought, and Gerard was really fucking certain that there was absolutely no hope for bettering his brother if he didn't end up setting himself on fire.

"Mikey, do you want some cereal?" Mrs Way unknowingly broke some sort of silent war between her two sons, whilst almost patronisingly shaking a box of Cheerios at her fifteen year old son, who reckoned he was entirely too cool for breakfast on a whole, which in Gerard's eyes was nothing other than fucking ridiculous. "Gerard?" She finally tried, with entirely less hope, but his answer surprised her entirely.

Gerard met his brother's eyes and answered in the most determinedly bitter tone known to man. "Yes, mother, I will have some cereal." And really, Gerard didn't at all have a clue as to how 'I can eat cereal, fuck you' won him this, but Mikey looked relatively startled.

But then as his mother poured the cereal into the bowl, Gerard came to realise that this was fucking whole grain, more bran than a farmer has ever actually seen in his life, motherfucking healthy cereal. But, of course, Gerard Way was a stubborn motherfucker, and ate the first spoonful as he met his brother's gaze, smirking, and trying his best not to choke like a fucking champion.

And as he finally finished the bowl, which throughout the process of, Mikey's gaze never left his, Gerard knew that he had most certainly won, and that he'd won something that he still had no fucking clue what it actually was, so really, it better be something good because Gerard Way didn't eat whole grain cereal for nothing.

"I need to get to work now, you boys will be fine without me, won't you? Gerard, you've got theatre after school, remember?" Mrs Way smiled, looking between her two children, still totally oblivious regarding the cereal war that had just taken place.

"We'll be fine, mum." Mikey forced a smile, yet still never taking his gaze away from Gerard's, not even for a second. "Have a nice day."

"You too." Mrs Way added, grabbing her bag and making her way out of the back door and round the side gate, and at the exact moment that Mikey heard the start of her car, he almost seemed to jump into life, standing up and full on yelling at his brother.

"Are you a fucking idiot?"

Gerard sat there, continuing to stare at his brother, and just a little overwhelmed as he struggled to understand just quite what Mikey was referring to here; he highly suspected that it wasn't the cereal he'd just eaten, but really, you could never be sure.

"I'm not the one fucking popping pills at the breakfast table with our mother like it's fucking nothing!" Gerard exclaimed, rolling his eyes and watching as Mikey blushed a little, shrugging it off. "I swear to God you're addicted or something."

"It's paracetamol, Gerard." Mikey broke into a grin, pulling the little box out of his pocket and showing his brother.

"Oh..." Gerard didn't quite know how to react to that. "Why the hell do you casually carry paracetamol around with you?" He asked, running a hand back through his severely tangled bedhead, which had really proved harder than he had anticipated.

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