Chapter 9: Part 1

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My usual morning of waking up to breakfast and Leda helping me dress was struck from the agenda when Ulric ripped back the covers and barked at me to wake up. I shot awake as the cold air kissed my exposed skin and stared wide-eyed at the man before me, the cause of my rude awakening.

"Nice nightgown, princess." He smirked at me. And a fierce blush covered my cheeks, and I realized how much leg was exposed in the tiny nightgown.

"What are you doing here?"

"Starting your lessons, of course."

"But, I always start with etiquette."

"And things change, now get ready quickly. We have things to discuss." Ulric left my bed and took a seat on the couch to chat with Fenrir. That strange man.

Scampering out of my bed, I hurried into my closet and grabbed the first thing I could find, which turned out to be a white blouse, and a black and white square print skirt that grazed the bottom of my knees. Quickly tossing this on, I tied my hair in a low bun and cursed Ulric in the privacy of the dark closet. What was he doing in my room so early? And who let him in?

Leaving the room, I threw him a glare. "So how did you even get in here?"

"The guards let me in, of course."

"Why? They know Leda, Gerard, and Soren are always the first people in here."

"Because I spoke with Gerard and Soren. We are adjusting your study schedule. Plus, I think we have much to discuss today, and I prefer it to be in private without your servants lingering about."

I sighed, understanding where he was coming from. "Gerard would have been fine. He knows everything already. Plus, he's helping me keep track of some of the palace gossip for anything important."

"Well, next time, I'll send him an invitation to our tea party then," Ulric snapped. I sat down in one of the lounge chairs across from him, and Fenrir immediately went to my side. "So clueless," Ulric sighed before standing up and walking to the left edge of my room.

There a cabinet of shelves stood. Inside he fiddled with a strange box before turning a crank a few times, and suddenly music began to play. Besides the live music played at the ball, it never occurred to me that they had ways of playing music or even what it would look like. Apparently, it was a giant music box. I felt a small pang of sadness as I remembered all of my favorite music that I would likely never hear again.

Ulric returned to his seat with the gentle tune of a fiolin now playing in the room. "First rule Amberleigh, if you're going to discuss private matters, its best to have something to drown out your voice."

Fenrir licked my hand and nudged my knee, asking for me to keep petting him. "Why did you leave Fenrir with me?"

"Is that really what you want to be discussing right now? Soren will be joining us soon to help with your first magic lesson."

"I guess not, but it's a question I'll expect the answer to later." I eyed him, daring him to try to get out of answering it.

"Now, tell me about the note."

"Two nights ago, I came back to my room late with Gerard from a dress fitting. Fenrir was agitated when we entered. He directed me to the bed where I found it."

Ulric eyed Fenrir and me. "Anything else?"

"The day before, Guinevere threatened me in the hall, saying that she would be waiting for me to make a mistake to take back what is hers. She's the strongest lead I have for why I might be in any danger."

"Potentially, although I can hardly picture her planning an assassination plot."

I blanched at his words, "You think someone is going to try and kill me?"

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