xi. insist

60 5 3

Hansuke wakes up to the
small clicks nearby

He looks up and sees
white curtains and a window
just above his head

Slowly, he sits up

"Are you okay?"

Startled, he looks at
the source of the voice

It was just the school nurse

He nods, a small lump still
present in his throat, he tries
to clear it, but it didn't work

"Your homeroom teacher
allowed you to go home early,"
she says, softly, careful not to
freak him out

He nods, "Who took me here?"

"Hiraoka-san called me and
she and I took you here. Your
bags are on the table if you
still want to go home,"
she says as she points
to where it is.

He stares at his bags, debating on whether or not he should go home

The nurse clears her throat to get the boy's attention

"Hiraoka-san told me to insist you
on going home, you should rest

His eyes dilate a little bit


He lets out a series of coughs again,
the nurse reacted quickly

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