sleepless nights

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It's Sunday night well technically Monday morning considering it's 12:53am. And in just a matter of hours lavender Gilmore will be heading to her new school, Chilton Preparatory school. Along with her slightly younger (18 minutes younger to be exact) twin sister Rory Gilmore. Lavender has never been a big sleeper, sneaking out to get upto things even her very relaxed mother would disapprove of doesn't allow for it. However usually she try's to go to bed at a reasonable hour when she has school the next day. But not tonight, Tonight lavender Gilmore is quite frankly shitting herself. And she's not initially sure why, Lavender very rarely gets nervous. But for some reason the thought of starting a new school is terrifying to her. Lavender is confident but not cocky unlike her sister Rory who acts like a spaz in almost all social interactions. Lavender is smart like her sister Rory, smarter even, however Lavender is also street smart unlike her little sister who can be quite naive when it comes to some things.  Lavender loves to party, and is very popular. Her main friend group however consists of your typical beautiful blonde girl who Is named clove, your classic stoner looking boy who is named James and your typical slightly nerdy yet attractive in a cute sweet way who is named kole. They were a odd group and not at all what the typical popular group found at most high schools consisted of but they rule straw hollow high or at least they did until Lavender got accepted into her new school much to her friends dismay. Clove lavenders best friend was especially dramatic about they whole thing although lavender reassured her they would still see each other every day and nothing would change clove was still devastated that she would no longer have her best friend by her side constantly. Clove always has been the dramatic one of the group and lavender oftentimes told her she should try out for the drama club. Lavender is the complete opposite to her sister School and studying has always been more Rory's thing, and while Lavender always has perfect grades she rarely ever studied. Lavender always has guys falling at her feet, as she is a extremely beautiful young lady. Long wavy chocolate brown hair, big brown eyes, pale skin with a slight dusting of freckles over her nose and cheeks, the picture of perfection. Or so every boy at Stars Hollow High thought. Lavender however has no interest in having a long term boyfriend, she just wants a bit of fun. For now. Lavender has little to no idea what she wants to do with her life unlike her sister Rory who has wanted to go to Harvard and be a journalist ever since the age of 3. She also doesn't have the same freakish bond with her mother like her sister although she does love her mother deeply. Lavender however is much closer to her farther, who she very rarely gets to see. That may contribute to why Lavender felt closer to him she likes to make the most of the little time she does have and he feels bad for not being around as much so let's her get away with anything short of murder. Not that her mother was strict but she definitely had to play the mom card more with Lavender than with her youngest daughter Rory. Lavender is different, unique, and that's exactly how she likes to be. Lavender sighs as she turns to look at the little clock sitting on her very messy bedside table
"fuck" lavender growls quietly as the clock ticks over from 12:59am to 1:00am
"i'm not going to get any sleep at this rate" lavender thinks as she sits up and starts rummaging around in her bed side table drawer. After a few more seconds of digging through the mess she finds what she's looking for, a lighter and a small pack of Marlboro cigarettes. She creeps out of bed slides on her slippers and quietly makes her way down the steps trying desperately not to wake her mother and sister who are most likely fast asleep at this hour. She opens the door and steps outside the fresh air hits her in the face and she smiles. Closing the door quietly behind her lavender makes her way down the steps of the place she calls home. Sitting down in the grass Lavender opens her packet of Marlboros, puts one in her mouth and lights it. She breaths in the smoke and instantly relaxes
"why didn't I do this hours ago" she thinks as she closes her eyes.

Hi so I've never been into writing or anything English was actually my worst subject at school! But I kinda wanted to write a Gilmore girls fan fic thing because I like to read them and I thought it might be fun! I suck at spelling and grammar sorry haha so go easy on me please. Anyway I hope everyone enjoys! I will try and update this as much as possible. And let me know what I can improve on :) thanks for reading xxx

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