KOTLC as Fans

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Meme-y Fan: Has memes and reads memes. Makes memes. Revolves around memes. Knows every inside joke.

Obsessed Fan: Thinks about them 25/8 and will straight up punch anyone who doesnt like it. Either has merch or is too broke to buy it

Regular Fan: Doesnt freak out too much. Keeps things inside and is a calm fan that talks about it but not too much. The fan everyone likes

Kind-of Fan: Sometimes a fan, sometimes not. Sometimes gets embarrassed when people find out the fandom theyre in

Meme-y Fan: Keefe, Marella

Obsessed Fan: Biana, Fitz

Regular Fan: Dex, Linh

Kind-of Fan: Sophie, Tam

Im a total meme-y fan like my camera roll is literally just memes.
what if there was a fandom name for kotlc? what would we be called??

lol what type of fan are yall?

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