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As we walked towards the back of the room I kept quiet and focused on not tripping. I felt Harrys breathe at the back of my neck, while he kept his hand on the small of my back. He makes me nervous for some reason and I do not know why. I am usually pretty strong willed when it comes to guys, but he demolishes that wall I put up whenever he is around me and for gods sakes I have barely had a proper conversation with him. I only talked with him briefly at Kathrines party. His girlfriend or should I say ex-girlfriend did all the talking for him.

We stopped at the bar in the back of the room and while Harry tried to get a bartender I took in my soundings. It was a small room with not many people in it. Most people in the room were just in booths chatting with each other. There was a small dance floor at the front of the room, but no one was using it.

"You want something?" I looked to my side to see Harry staring at me. His stare alone made me want to drop to the floor. Stay Strong Sydney, for gods sake he is going through a breakup.

"No I am ok, I was just wanting to call a car so I could go home." I mentally scolded myself for being so nervous, but I could not help it.

He nodded at me, before picking up his coat and saying, "Follow me." I am sure my facial expression looked pretty dumb, but I was quite astonished and confused on why he was telling me to follow him. Was he going to murder me?

I think he noticed my shocked expression because he gave me a small smile before speaking, "I will take you home." I was still pretty confused, but I got up from my seat anyway and followed him to his car.

When we reached his car, he started to walk a little faster in front of me. He stopped at the door of the passengers side and slid the door open. I gave him a small smile and slid into his comfortable leather seats. He closed the door behind me, after I had gotten comfortable and ran over to his door to get in. When he got inside his car, he turned on the radio, which was playing Edge of Seventeen by Stevie Nicks.

The car was filled with silence as Harry drove. While he drove I kept my eyes in the opposite direction, cause I knew if I started at him for only a second, I would not be able to stop. I did not want to make him uncomfortable.

When the car finally stopped I was surprised to see we were outside a coffee shop. I looked at Harry and he just stopped running the car and got out. I stayed in my sport still being quite confused. Suddenly, my door was opened and Harry put his hand out for me and gave me a small smile. I took his hand and he lead me into the quaint coffee shop.

When we entered the shop I took in my surroundings and let out a small gasp. It was a bright room that made you feel happy as soon as you entered. The floors were blue and yellow. The wallpaper was yellow and green. "What is this place?" Harry gave me a small smile before replying, "The Beachwood Cafe."

I nodded and continued to look around. "I always come here when I am not feeling the best." I looked up at Harry and saw he was already making his way to the counter. I wonder what he gets said about, that he comes here? I mean it makes sense this place just screams happiness and joy.

When he walked back over to me, he lead me to a small booth in the corner. I slid into the booth and he slid into the one in front of me. I looked around the cafe and noticed we were the only customers in here. Well, I guess that makes since since it is 12 o'clock at night.

The waitress came over to us and put down two cups of teas. She gave Harry a smile before looking over at me and giving me a long stare as she looked at me up and down. I was starting to feel uncomfortable just now realizing I was in a short black dress and dark makeup. She then smiled warmly at me and looked back at Harry and said, "She's pretty." I felt my cheeks flush and I looked down at my feet. I heard footsteps in the distance and I looked up to see the waitress had walked away.

I felt a stare on me and I looked straight ahead to see Harry giving me a small smile. We kept contact with each other and I finally let out a deep breathe I did not even know I was holding, this was not the night I expected, but I do not think I'm complaining.


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I'm writing this in math class right now and I am trying my hardest to keep it hidden from everyone around me haha! Anyway have a good day..:)

-Lexie xx

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