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    2 weeks

    It has been two weeks since Harry and I went to breakfast. Whenever I thought back to our conversation I just felt confused. He made it clear that he was sorry and that he wanted to make up for his mistakes, but did I want him to?

   I know deep down in my heart that I am not even close to being over him, but I do not know if he is the right person for me. I cannot let my heart get broken again. It was too painful and even if I was stronger there is only so much heartache someone can take before they crash.

    At the breakfast, I made it clear that I needed time and that I didn't want to rush into anything and I meant that. I didn't even know if I wanted to keep Harry in my life, but I couldn't bring myself to turn him down with the way he was looking at me.

    He looked sincere and sorry, but I did not know if I could trust him. Harry completely demolished all trust I had for him and he was the one who had to get it back.

    I was keeping myself guarded and I wasn't going to make the same mistake I did last time. I wasn't going to foolishly fall for Harry again to just be heartbroken in the end.

    That was my plan today. Yesterday I got my first text from Harry saying that he was in Los Angeles and wanted to take me out. I hesitantly said yes, but I was a complete wreck as I stood in front of my closet now not knowing what to wear.

    "Maybe this is a sign to not go." I turned my head to Kathrine who was laying down on my bed with an unimpressed look on her face. I sighed heavily, before looking back at my closet.

    When I told Kathrine about meeting with Harry in London she was automatically concerned for me. She kept telling me that she didn't think it was a good idea to get back in touch with Harry after everything that had happened.

    I understand where she was coming from, since she was the one who had to see me sulk in my bed for months.

    As I stood in my closet looking through my clothes all I want to do is cancel. I hated how nervous Harry made me.

    "Seriously Kathrine what should I wear?" I heard Kathrine huff behind me and before I knew it I felt a presence behind my back. I took a step back as I watched Kathrine scan through my clothes, before pulling out jeans and a white crop top. Kathrine walked back to my bed and laying down with a loud huff.

    I giggled at her before taking the outfit and changing. "I still do not think this is a good idea." I looked at Kathrine to see her looking at me from my bed. I pulled down my shirt, before walking over to Kathrine and saying, "Honestly I don't know either but, I guess I just need to take a risk."

    Kathrine nodded slowly before responding, "I know but I do not want you to go through that heartbreak again." I smiled down at my friend, as she continued to express her concern for me.

   I laid down next to her before responding, "I know and I promise I will be careful. I am keeping my heart guarded and I am not going to run back to him soon or maybe at all. I guess I just want to let him make up for how bad he hurt me." I watched Kathrine nod slowly, before getting up with a smile and saying, "I trust your judgement and I know that you won't let something like that happen again. I just worry for you."

    I smiled brightly at Kathrine, before getting up from my bed and giving her a tight hug. "Thank you," I whispered in her ear, before I released myself from her grip. Before she could say anything back, there was a ring from downstairs.

   "Well he is here, good luck." I looked back at Kathrine, before giving her another small smile and walking out of my room to the front door.


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