Chapter One

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MEETING NEW PEOPLE was like a dive into an unknown abyss.

At times, you'd know what to expect of other people and their personalities. Get a feel of their person and how to act with them. And other times... you were completely thrown off.

The next morning when I decided to head into town, I immediately felt like an outcast, like I was a shark thrown into a pool of fish.

Everyone... they knew each other, and kept themselves in their own circles. The farmers. The children. The women who bonded through years of motherhood. The young adults still teenagers at heart.

All eyes were on me as I walked, scanning me up and down, as if analyzing if I was worth joining their "circles". Others offered me warm smiles and friendly waves, while others seemed to ignore me. I kept my look of neutrality.

As I neared the centre of town, I spotted a mass of ginger-like hair at a distance, tied back and neat. I almost walked the other direction, thinking it was Robin—Yoba, I did not want to endure her rambling again—but stopped when I noticed it was a younger woman.

I approached her warily as she looked up from reading her book under a tree. "Hi, oh did you want something?" she asked nervously, fidgeting a bit.

It was obvious my presence made her uncomfortable, sweat starting to form, despite being in the shade.

I glanced down at my clothes and wondered how, when all I wore were old green overalls I had found stashed in the dresser. I had glimpsed myself in the mirror before heading out and thought I seemed normal. Medium-length chestnut hair that flowed behind me and tan skin. There was nothing unusual.

The woman's green eyes met my pale jade ones and I realized that it wasn't me, but her. She probably wasn't used to newcomers in town.

"Not much, really," I replied. "I'm June, by the way. The new farmer." I didn't know if I should shake her hand or not, but kept them to myself.

"Penny. I've heard about you." Her voice was soft and sweet, so like her.

I started to turn around after saying, "Nice to meet you." There was an awkward silence, both of us not knowing what to say. I quickly left, annoyed with myself for such an encounter.

And with that, I had left, exploring all the different parts of town. Every little crevice and corner that I could spot. Every nook in a tree or area behind a bush. Occasionally, I'd spot another citizen and introduce myself. It was difficult at first to warm up to others with my cold aura, but I had gotten used to it.

I was about to head into Pierre's General Store when the door flew open, almost hitting me in the face. Naturally, I let out a scowl and was about to confront the person responsible, but stopped short upon seeing them.

It was another woman, one that I had not yet met. Not with ginger hair, but purple. Such a deep and dark colour, one that reminded me of a crocus.

"Excuse me," I said as I stepped to the side and let the woman pass.

Her light blue eyes looked me over and she grinned, a mischievous one that had me straightening my back. "Ah, that's right. I heard a new farmer was moving into town."

"And here I am."

"What a shame, really..." she drawled, "I always enjoyed exploring those overgrown fields by myself." The twinkle in her eyes told me that there was no doubt she would not stop pursuing that mission. "I'm Abigail."

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