Chapter Twenty

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STARDEW VALLEY WAS a valley of tears.

I remembered the first time stepping into town—how could I forget? The old, squeaky bus was my escape from my life at the city. I left dirty streets and polluted airs for rolling green hills, blooming flowers and people that I would come to cherish. I exchanged darkness for light, ugliness for beauty.

And now I could barely recognize this town.

The beauty was replaced by something horrible, something dark. Everything was shrouded in bleakness—my surroundings, the hearts of the people.

It was dark. My eyes were closed. Sealed shut so I didn't have to open them.

I didn't need to see to know that it was raining. Water drenched me from head to toe, finding every dry patch, every part of comfort, and attacked it.

The rain felt hard; it stung on my skin and left a bitter mark—or maybe that was the sting of my bruises. I didn't know. Didn't care.

But the rain, it was angry.

I didn't know where I was. My eyes felt so heavy. I didn't have the strength to open them, to see where the magic had taken me. It took me somewhere safe, but where was that? Not when the town was searching for me. I could remember their angry faces, their shouts of rage.

I felt the wet ground pressing against my back. The wounds hurt. Or maybe that was the pain in my heart.

I mustered the strength to open my eyes just barely. The sun was gone—it disappeared a long time ago. There were only dark, angry clouds that dominated the skies. Thunder cackled through the air. The wind was howling, trying to overtake the thunder. Around me was the endless spread of vast dark waters ready to swallow me whole.

I blinked.

Once. Twice.

Again, just to make sure.

I asked—the magic answered. It had taken me to the beach, to the end of the docks. Under a raging storm.

But I was not alone.

"Sebastian?" I gasped out. Water filled my eyes, but I could make out his familiar purple hair anywhere.

He left the wedding ceremony when Abigail confessed she couldn't marry him. But he was here this whole time—sitting by the docks. I couldn't do anything but stare at him in shock.

He scrambled to my side. "You're okay," he breathed out with relief. I let out a groan as the pain spread throughout my body. Sebastian put an arm on my back as he helped me sit up. "You're okay," he repeated.

I sat up on the ground, too exhausted to stand. The rain continued to pummel; it drenched me, made me feel heavy. Sebastian kneeled in front of me. Wet hair covered his eyes but I could see them wide with shock, darting around every inch of my body.

He saw the ripped fabric of my clothes, the bruises along my arms, the blood that even rain could not wash away. His hands clenched.

Sebastian's eyes seeped into mine. Those purple orbs were always bland, always emotionless, but now they held rawness that happened so rarely—moments where he would open up to me, show me his pain. In them was regret.

"Sebastian," I said hoarsely. And then suddenly it was like a wave crashed onto me, as he took me in his arms and held me tightly. If he was like a wave, then he engulfed me, giving me the comfort I didn't know I needed.

I pulled him close. I didn't want to be alone, not as the emotions raked inside me broke free. A sob escaped my mouth. I was crying. Sebastian rocked me back and forth in his arms like the waters around us. The rain didn't stop its pouring.

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