Chapter Ten

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BIRTHDAYS WERE AN unusual thing.

They happened once a year, marking the day you were born. On and on, they were cycles that repeated itself, a continuous loop that eventually came to an end. Blow a candle. Make a wish. Smile and hope that you'd live for the next year.

Birthdays didn't make you feel different. The change doesn't simply happen one day and magically you're a mature person. No–this change happens gradually; your birthday just marks you as someone a year older than you previously were.

Sam, however, didn't seem to think that way.

"Farm Girl!" the familiar voice chimed as soon as I walked into the Saloon. "Welcome, welcome, to a night you won't forget!"

Sam walked up to me with his signature smile, prepared to ruffle my hair as he liked to do. He cringed, dropping his arms as he saw that I was completely drenched with water. "Bleh, you're wet."

It was a rainy day, with water pouring down on the stone paths of town. The skies were dark and gloomy, and black clouds loomed above the horizon. The occasional roars of thunder indicated an impending storm, getting louder and louder like screams set on fire. I had to force my feet to walk out of the comfort of my dry ranch.

I shook my arms to try to dry myself. "Thanks, I can see that." I slung my bag over my shoulder, digging out a wrapped box. "Unfortunately, your gift is not. Happy birthday." I handed it to him.

"What is it?" Sam asked excitedly.

I looked up at his blonde hair, long strands that were spiked up, looking almost like a hairstyle from an anime character. "Hair gel. From the city. I think you'd like it."

Sam's eyes brightened, his nose crinkling in a way that expressed his happiness. "For me? I am honoured! Knowing you, I was expecting some sort of rock or something." I shot him an unimpressed look. "Kidding."

He took it from me and turned around, gesturing forward. "Come on, the rest of the gang is back here."

I followed Sam, my eyes trailing over the rest of the Saloon. It was a Wednesday night; few stools were occupied and barely any people were hanging around. I spotted the usual patrons: Emily behind the counter who waved cheerfully at my approach, Gus who was cleaning wine glasses next to her, Shane chugging beer in the corner, and Clint explaining happily to Willy about minerals.

"How do you feel, birthday boy?" I asked Sam as we walked to the back, voice laced with sarcasm. "Any plans for the year?"

With this, Sam started to go off about wanting to move out of his parents' house, about getting more gigs for the band. His words went in and out of my ears. As much as I tried to listen, I kept zoning out. I kept nodding and offering smiles. Of course, he was too excited to even realize I wasn't paying attention.

We walked to the arcade zone where the rest of the trio hung out at. As usual, Sebastian and Abigail were there, both sprawled out on the blue coach with drinks in their hands. They seemed to be too engrossed in the other to realize we had entered.

Maru and Penny were also there. They went against each other in a game of pool and by the looks of it, Maru was winning. Maybe that calculating brain of hers helped.

"Look who's here!" Sam cheered out, and I cringed as everyone looked at me. Penny and Maru stopped their game to smile. Sebastian immediately detached himself from Abigail who offered me a wave.

"Now the real party can start," declared Sam. He immediately called down the hallway for Gus to send in more drinks.

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