hell comes with one blow after another

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When George said that everyone froze and Harry went really pale and backed up into the wall.

"What does that mean" Molly said in horror.

It was a odd sight seeing George look so angry because he is normally laid back and joking.

Sirius goes to Harry and gently says "Harry do you know what he is talking about".

Harry looked close to hyperventilating he whispers "he's in jail".

George's face softens and says "yes. He was arrested by the muggle aurors on May 30th, 1998".

Harry nods some putting on a brave face and says quietly "how did he get caught".

"Your cousin Dudley figured out the full story and told the muggle aurors".

Everyone is silent trying to process what they heard. Harry sits down looking lost and close to tears.

"What did this low life, self centered asshole do to him" Remus growled.

The people occupying the room stared at remus mouth gaping like a fish.

"It's not my place to say" George said "the only reason I know as much as I do on the situation is because of a incident after the war".

Hermione says "what incident? Tell me someone whopped this bastards ass".

Harry and Ron's mouth dropped "Hermione" they gasped out in shock.

Molly couldn't find it in her to correct Hermione.

"What" Hermione snapped "he deserves it. As a matter of fact he deserves the dementors kiss".

Ginny looks ready to kill someone and says "I'm gonna kill him, but first I'll have some fun torturing him".

"I agree with Hermione and Ginny" Ron said "I'll kill him".

"Here here" Sirius and Tonks said.

"What do you say George should we prank him".

"Hmm I like your thinking Fred".

"We're in" both twins.

Molly looked ready to kill so did Arthur.

"Guys stop" Harry said desperately "I appreciate yall wanting to protect me, but its not worth it...im fine".

"Harry Rape and child abuse is not ok.  You are like a 7th son to molly and I" Arthur said softly "if someone hurts any of you kids they won't get away with it".

"I'm fine though" Harry said looking down.

"I'm only going to say this" George said softly. First he looks at James to see he is asleep. Then he looks at Harry "after the war you had to visit madam Pomfrey and she did a spell that told her every last injury you have had since you were born. The first year held barely anything and from the time you've lived with the dursleys to when you left there was a injury after injury. This list went on for 7 pages front and back. The only reason you didn't die from lack of food or broken bones is because your magic was healing you".

No one can say anything. Harry says "see I'm fine" he looks at George "why was he arrested for rape though. I mean the only thing he's ever done was kinda throw me around, he only hit me a few times, locked me in my cupboard for a couple of weeks, and called me boy or freak".

George sighs and says "from what I know is that next summer he lost his job and became a alcoholic. Long story short petuina refused to go near him when he smelled like alcohol so he took advantage of you when you were at your weakest" he sighs again "Sirius just died and you were upset so he decided to well umm I won't say any details because its disgusting what he did to you...he raped you and freaked out afterwards so he only did what he did once with fear you'll tell on him".

George Weasley in 1995Where stories live. Discover now