Kids, reads, faked

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Everyone looks shocked at the sudden visitors. Abby says "uhh hi".

Teddy looks at Harry and grins "hi Harry. Hi George. Hi Ron. Hi Hermione. Hi Jamie".

Harry looks stern "Edward Remus Lupin".

"Ooo you in trouble now" Abby said grinning.

"You too Abigail Quinn Weasley" Harry sad eyes narrowed. Both kids look scared "how did you guys get here".

"She did it".

"No he did it".

The two start fighting "quit it" Harry said with power James jumps and Hermione takes him. "I'm not going to say it again. How did you two get here".

They look down and kick the ground "we may of touched the sand".

"Ted I'll talk to you later" Harry's face softens and he hugs the two of them "how come you guys aren't at school".

"Because they let us out early" Teddy said grinning.

George hugs his niece "Why".

"There was drugs in the school so they sent us home" Abby said.

All the future adults look at each other eyes wide. "At a elementary school" Hermione asked.

"Yep a teacher had it" Teddy said grinning.

"Abby and Teddy you two listen to me clearly" Harry said eyebrows together "do you know the dangers of drugs".

"Yes" Abby said.

"No" Teddy said.

"Well Ted. Drugs are very bad and very illegal. They can make you do very bad things that you may regret in the future" Harry sighs "look guys if someone tries to give you something do not accept it". They nod "Alright guys go play with Jamie if you want".

They run over to the baby and Harry turns around and looks like he wipes his eyes. "You alright Harry" Ron asked.

"What...oh yeah I'm ok" Harry whispered.

"You speak about the drugs like you have experience" Arthur says slowly.

Harry looks at them and you can see the pain of his past in his eyes "I do" he whispered "when I was a teenager right after the war I was depressed. The pain of my miscarriage, the pain of watching Cedric die, the pain of losing my parents, the pain of losing Sirius, Fred, Remus, Tonks, and everyone else... I thought the drugs would make the pain go it helped temporally, but what I tried to me wasn't strong enough... I did Meth and Cocaine and it ruined the last few teen years I had left. Gin made me go to rehab".

Sirius looks down disappointed in himself "I should've been there for you. All of you".

Harry looks down "its ok. Our lives are definitely better now" he nods his head over to the kids who are giggling and smiling.

Abby looks up at Fred and says "whoa".

George goes to his niece "that's your dad just younger".

A tear falls and she hugs Fred close. Teddy looks up at Remus and Tonks and he hugs them.

Hermione takes a picture of the scene.

When the kids were done Molly says "when did we learn you guys were all grown up".

George says "y'all already know about Bill, Charlie, and Perce. But you said you knew Fred was grown up when you guys saw him hold Abby and the look on his face y'all knew he was no longer a teen" he sighs some "with me it was when I continued working on what I believe in when things were tough".

George Weasley in 1995Where stories live. Discover now