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Billie laced our hands together, and she pulled me off the couch. I got out of her grip and I walked back into the room.

Maddie: "Thank you, Claudia." I gave her a smile.

Claudia: "Any day Maddie."

I caught back up with Billie and laced our hands together, I gave her a smile. She squeezed my hand as she took me to the area that her family sits in, she placed a soft kiss on my lips and she rushed down to the stage.

It is so cute, watching her get so excited about performing. I watched her walk back stage, and slowly, her show started and the energy started to pile in.

The show went on, and I was putting off talking to Maggie. She was standing right by me, and Claudia was on the other side of me. She lightly gave me a push, telling me to talk to her.

Maddie: "So Maggie, I was wondering if you would schedule a meeting with the tour crew to see if I could stay the full time?"

Maggie: "Of course, the meeting was already scheduled for when we got to New York."

Maddie: "Do you think they'll let me stay?"

Maggie: "Of course."

Hearing it from her, made me realize that I'm probably gonna end up staying here the entire time and I have nothing to worry about.

But even though she told me that, there is still a chance that I'm going home in like three days. I don't wanna leave, and I'm not ready to leave.

The show was slowly started to end and i love you started to play, I always give her my full attention during that song. One because it's beautiful and, I like what she does at the end.

I was listening to the song, and all my worries and thoughts go away during that song. Just because of how much I focus on her, when her eyes close to make sure she hits the note perfectly. The way she holds the mic so loosely and gently, it was perfect. She was perfect.

She sang the last I love you, she pointed to me and smiled. The crowd screamed, I smiled back at her. She's done so many shows and my favorite thing to look back on is that moment, people will tag me in the videos and Billie always catches me watching them.

goodbye started to play, which meant that the show was almost over. I waited for her to get backstage before I started making my way there, I am still little worried that I'm end up going home. But it's not that I want to think that, I just can't not think that.

I see her talking to Finneas, I snuck up behind her and I wrapped my arms around her.

Maddie: "Babygirl! You did so good!"

Billie: "Thank you shorty, but I do good every time."

I tell Billie that she does good every show, and every time her ego gets bigger about it too.

Billie: "I am hungry as hell."

Maddie: "We gotta wait for everyone to leave before we can get food, I'm hungry too."

Billie: "But it takes so long for everyone to leave!" She whined.

She turned around to face me properly, I don't know how this is possible, but over this tour. I have fallen more in love with her, I didn't think that was possible. Like, I'll look at her, and all I'll see is love.

She wrapped her arms around me, I rested my head against her chest and looked up at her. She leaned down and placed a short kiss on my lips.

Billie: "I love you."

Maddie: "I love you too."

Billie was still holding me while she was talking to Finneas, Claudia appeared behind Billie and moved her head, telling me to go talk to her. I placed a kiss on Billie's neck and got out of her grip, I can tell that she watched me walk away.

Claudia: "Did you talk to Maggie?"

Maddie: "Yeah, she told me what you told me."

Claudia: "Are you going to tell Billie about it?"

Maddie: "No matter the circumstance, I could not do that to her."

Claudia: "Maddie, get it through your head. You are staying, whether you want to or not. You are staying, you're not leaving."

Maddie: "I wanna believe that I do, I just can't, it's how I think, I'm sorry."

Claudia gave me a hug, she was taller than me so her head was rested on top of mine.

Claudia: "You have nothing to be apologizing for."

I hugged her back.

Claudia: "I do think you should tell Bille though."

Maddie: "If I'm staying then there's no reason to worry her or tell her."

Claudia: "She can see through you, you might as well tell her before she pieces it together."

Maddie: "At this point, I would rather her piece it together than me having to tell her."

Claudia: "I hate to tell you this, but she's going to find out, she studies you almost, she knows your every move and what you do when you lie. There is no way that you can keep this from her."

Maddie: "I hid the fact that I was going on tour with her for four months, if I can't keep this from her, then something must be seriously wrong with me." We both laughed.

Claudia looked behind me, meaning that Billie was walking over. I quickly cut myself off from what I was about to say, Billie wrapped her arms around my waist and rested her head on my shoulder.

Claudia gave us a smile and walked towards Finneas.

Billie: "I'm glad that you and Claudia are becoming really close."

Maddie: "Me too, she's perfect."

Billie: "I'm glad you're getting close to Finneas too."

Maddie: "Your whole family's perfect."

Billie gave me a smile, and kissed my neck. I looked at my phone, to see that Kenzie texted, of course it would be right fucking now.


What week are you coming back?

Billie: "You're leaving?"

Maddie: "She wants me to come back for about a week, so I can furnish my house and make sure I like everything."

Billie: "If you're going to do that, you should do it before we leave the country because I want to travel the world with you."

Maddie: "I know you do babygirl, when should I do it?"

Billie: "When we get back to the bus, we can look at the tour schedule and figure out when you should go."

Maddie: "Okay."

i'm not sure, I have to look at the tour schedule because Billie wants me to do it before we leave the country because of the traveling the world thing😂

Awww, I'm glad to see that you two are happy.


                                                Read at 9:31P.M.


y'all don't gotta stress about this, this isn't the main problem😂


thanks ily

words: 1170.

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