Chapter 6

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The Bottle-Nose Coast City Station is bustling busy for the start of the weekend. However, as high noon passes by like the groups of sea life that bless the waters, the cruise ships to the west are departing for their next destinations. Most of the arrival and departing docks taken at the West Station Wing are cargo cruisers dropping off produce for tomorrow's tourist raid. The walking area is flooded with tourists dragging their bags to their ships and cargo organizers who drive their lifters to the loading drop off. On occasion, there's a struggling cargo apprentice, too young to drive the lifters, who has to wiggle their way through the tourist crowd with a heavy metal box in their hands.

At the passenger drop off entrance of the port, Vuela and Celia's water taxi parks in one of the parallel drop off points. The driver carefully assists the riders with exiting the taxi and getting their belongings onto solid ground as the travellers themselves stretch their legs out after sitting down in a boat for twenty minutes. Vuela stares in awe at the flying ships' heads that are poking over the roof of the port's second-level loading deck. She can barely remember the last flying trip she's taken. It must be back when her father's still alive. Oh, how awesome it can be when she earns the money to take a long-awaited entertainment flight.

"Come on, V," Celia says. "Our ship is this way."

The two of them head to the East Station Wing where the more privileged ships are waiting for clientele to board. Celia explains to Vuela that private exploration ships are located where tourists can't see them. Only those with special invitation or the money to bribe the ship captains have the right to take these trips, not that Vuela hasn't figured already. As much as Bottle-Nose Coast wants to influence legal acts of treasure hunting, the port can't risk easy, illegal access to the ship when it's out in the open.

The customs room they enter is small and almost empty except for three security guards. The woman in the center, between two male guards, asks the passengers to show her their paperwork, identification cards, and passport slates. Celia takes out her wallet and finds her information drive, which holds the reservation number and the Captain's reference as Vuela hands over her identification card and newly printed passport.

"You're all set. Have a safe and exhilarating exploration, ladies."

Soon as they are clear, the gate doors open outwards and present the two wide-eyed passengers their exploration cruiser, the Gloire Fidèle.

Gloire Fidèle's honorary colors are blue and gold, showing off an interesting history. According to Celia, the Gloire Fidèle has served as a military patrol ship, one of the fastest and strongest in the fleet of the west part of the globe. Even in dire circumstances of war, she saved hundreds of lives because of how much weight she can carry. Both Vuela and Celia as civilians have the privilege and honor to walk upon her floors.

"Boy, Celia," Vuela happily says, "if your ex girlfriend finds out about this, she'll have another reason to regret breaking up with you."

Celia scoffs. "Vuela, I don't need opinions from people who I chose not to have contact with anymore."

"Of course. Get them from new people you want to impress."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

The teen gives Celia a snarky grin, and the scientist's face reddens like a ripe red delicious apple.

"Vuela, please. We're here to..." She stops speaking to look around. Then, she pulls the girl closer to her and whispers, "...find the treasure. Not my future wife."

"I don't know, Cel. Have you ever seen Kujo on the news?"

"Every single time I hear she's on. Delilah Kujo is a woman who is very well kept, especially for one of the most honored captains of the West Military Brigade, but that is not what's important."The fifteen-year-old lets out a short sigh. "You're right. I'm no fortune telling scanner. I don't have the future predicting knowledge of the vast Internet."

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