Chapter 12

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All Vuela can think about for the rest of the day is that ride with the Mr. Sora Gates. How charming and peaceful the trip actually was despite getting caught at the return. If it weren't for the fact that the sub are strictly off limits, Vuela would've asked Sora to escape the ship forever and have them journey to find the treasure on their own. If only it could've last longer. If only taking the subs on joyrides isn't against the rules much to Vuela's nerves being shook earlier in the afternoon. If only Vuela can work with Sora all the time since that's the case.

Well, she can see Sora all the time as long as they are traveling the sea. It's easy for her to think that her first impression of Sora becomes incorrect with an extent.

A breeze of ease blows throughout her bloodstream. Vuela doesn't know how, but some weight has been lifted off her shoulders since that sub trip with the young mechanic.

Because of this newly discovered state, Vuela is blissfully unaware that Celia has taken notice of the teenager's new fluttering demeanor. Celia's known Vuela for plenty of years, and the only times she's seen the girl so satisfied are when Vuela makes Celia feel stupid with her jokes in front of Maxime or after Vuela has won a game. This satisfaction is beyond normal even for someone as abnormal as Vuela Marie Hawkins.

"You're smiling," Celia points out.

"I am?" Vuela asks.

"What for?"


"It's bound to be something. You've been in the best mood in comparison to the beginning of this voyage. Did you get promoted?"

"There's not much promotion, Celia. Trust me."

"So what is it? You've been dozing off so much that you're not even in your sleepsuit yet.""

Vuela shrugs. "Just been on good behavior, I guess. Like how I'm supposed to."

"I told you brother that would be the case."

"I know you did. I was there."

"So you're really not gonna tell me what has you so happy for the first time in a while?"

"I think I'm finding a place here, Celia. Speaking of places, how is...Delilah?"

Vuela already has questioned about Celia's calling of the captain by her first name days ago. Celia has told her that Captain Kujo has given Celia permission since they've gotten along better than the captain expected. Vuela has a hint that it's a lie because Celia is too prim and proper to just call anyone that she knows for a short period of time by their first name.

"She's...doing fine. At least I think she is. It's not like I see her twenty-four seven."

"You do see her every single day. That's almost twenty-four seven, or is that not specific enough for you."

"For a specific period of time for a specific purpose. It's more than specific enough."

Vuela playfully raises her eyebrows, but the boiling blood is returning.

"Stop doing that. There's nothing going on."

"I don't have to be there, but the signs are as plain as day. I read faces like books, Cel."

"I could say the same thing about you and that Sora kid you have been hanging out with more recently."

With the mention of Sora, Vuela receives an itch at the back of her neck. Not a bug bite itch, but it's as if someone has pricked her with a tack. Quickly enough, that itch turns into the chill down her spine. Then, that chill brings Vuela's thighs to tighten, which gives her a slight lift from her mattress. Vuela hopes that Celia doesn't notice, but there's no use hoping if Celia has seen any sign of the girl's physical reaction.

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