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When Mark brought Hana home, his arm supporting her back incase she fell again and they both entered the dorm room

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When Mark brought Hana home, his arm supporting her back incase she fell again and they both entered the dorm room.

Upon arrival, she was bombarded with questions as to why she had fainted, along with a frantic Jeno splaying the news of Dispatch making up rumours.

Horrified, Hana looked up at Mark who sighed and gave her a reassuring smile- she didn't need more stress upon the one she has already.

"Guys," Mark began, hint of a protective tone making the guys back away and quieten down.

The older boy turned his full attention to the girl, hand on the middle of her back to turn her towards the directions of the room.

"Come on kiddo," he began, leading her over to his room with the bag of prescriptions in his hand.

Donghyuck watched as his best friends were getting closer, but now he didn't know how to feel about it.

"Do you think Mark gets jealous that she sleeps with you?" Chenle voiced, humming on the question and Donghyuck glanced at the boy and shrugged.

"Her and I have been best friends for ages..." He trailed off but shook it off and ran over to jump on Jeno's back and putting him in a headlock.

Mark closed the door behind him and Hana sighed, trudging over and dropping to lay across his bed- tired.

He watched with sad eyes as she let out a heavy sigh, the weight of the world seemingly on her shoulders.

The boy put the prescriptions on the bedside table and sat down next her her laying body, her eyes were closed and he raked his own gaze over her features.

There was nothing that needed to be said in all honesty, just thinking over the events that happened and all she wanted to do was to lay there forever and not face the whole world ever again.

Her hair was messily strewn across her head and the bed below her; Mark leaned his hand over and his fingertips brushed the hair out of her face.

Hana flinched at first, opening her eyes and gazing into his tentative ones that hesitated near her head but slowly, he began tracing his fingers lightly through the roots of her hair.

It was a small gesture of kindness, something that people might overlook but it made Hana feel hugely better, safer.

The feeling of his fingers brushing through her hair at a slow and gentle pace made her eyes flutter shut, letting out a soft breath of air as she calmed down finally- muscles loosening and head feeling lighter.

Mark watched almost infatuated as she began to drift into a sleep and he realised the density of his liking towards her- a crush.

It seemed so childish saying those words but that's what it was, his cheeks reddened thinking about it and he was lucky she was falling into a sleep.

Mark shook it off and smiled unknowingly at her sleeping frame, innocence and tranquility oozing from her.

The boy leaned over, brushing the hair away one last time before pressing a small kiss on her forhead..

"Goodnight Han."

He leaned away fully from her, retracting his hand from her hair and was about to get up to leave, when he heard a sleepy mumble.


Okay but


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