• P R O L O G U E •

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Aria's POV




Is all I see when I look at my reflection. Ugly is what I can describe myself as. Maybe I wouldn't look so bad if I didn't have all these gruesome bruises.

From as long back as I can remember, I've always been like this. I still remember the day, The day when all this started.


It had been exactly three days since he returned home. He even started drinking since a few weeks. Why doesn't he understand that it's not healthy to drink. I even tried to stop him but he would just push me away and lock his room's door and drink all the night. It gradually seemed like my good ol' caring big brother was fading away.

I was in my own thoughts until the door banged open and Thomas stumbled in and almost fell on the rug in front of the door. I quickly strode to his side and held his arm.

"Thomas,you are drunk again. I told you so many times that it is not a good way to deal with your grief. I am here too, I lost them too but have I ever taken drinking alcohol as an option. Thomas you have to understand. Mom and Dad wouldn't like you in this cond-" I was cut off when he grabbed both my arms and pushed me to the ground.

"Shut up you stupid bit*h! You don't know what mom and dad would like! You are the reason for everything. You caused their damn accident. So you shut up and go die in your hole." He spat.

Each word of his hit like a dagger to my heart. I wasn't even noticing what was happening in my surrounding because now that I think maybe it was, my fault. It was my fault that they weren't here with us anymore. I suddenly felt a sharp sting on my right cheek.

He hit me. My brother who is supposed to protect me and take care of me, raised his hand on me. Another hit. Another and that just kept going on until I felt nothing.

But maybe I deserved all this. Because I killed them.


And since then, all this happened on a daily basis. He would wake up hungover in the morning, beat me up and then order me to make his breakfast and black coffee, even if I was a minute late, he would take a knife and make cuts everywhere in my body except my face, he would never hit me in the face because I went to school and college and no one should know his deeds. If he didn't like anything I made he would throw the whole thing on me and dash off. Yes, even if it was a burning coffee. He would come back later in the night drunk to the rim and beat me up once again and go to sleep. And the same routine again.

It was as if he took out all his pain by giving me pain. And I did not speak a word because I deserve it.

Currently I'm travelling to the FR corporation for an interview for my job as a PA. I've been on job hunting since a few months now. I need to pay the bills and also because all the money I earned from my part time job was taken by my beloved brother for his alcohol and gambling needs. I could not even pay my college fee so I had to drop out of college.

That's why I need a job that pays well.

The bus takes a stop, I check if that's my stop and it is so I quickly get down the bus and take a look around. Across the road there is a large building with glass windows and has FR CORPORATION written in big bold letters on the top.

I cross the road and enter the building. I walk to the reception and I see a blonde girl in about her late twenty's in a skimpy and short skirt and a blouse that barely covers her umm... that.

I cleared my throat once when I saw she was busy looking in her phone. She looked up and scanned me up and down and then gave a disgusting look.

Don't worry girl! I get that a lot.

"What?" she spat out.

"Umm... I am here for my interview as the PA of the HR manag-"

"The interviews are all cancelled. You may leave." She spoke cutting me off. I looked at her shocked. I was so excited and desperate for this job and this just had to happen. I was about to ask her why the interviews got cancelled but a deep voice commented.

"Hello sweetheart." I turned to see who it was.

Ashton's POV

I opened my eyes feeling sunlight poking through them. I turned to the other side to see a girl lying there. I rolled my eyes and woke her up by patting her shoulder, rather roughly I must say. But these wh*res just don't get it they are just a one night stand and I am not willing to spend more time with them.

She whimpered and slowly opened her eyes. She seductively smiled at me and I felt like throwing up right then and there. I don't even know why my drunk self makes such choices of girls.


"Baby" she purred like a fake cat nearing towards my side and I immediately got off the bed.

"Look girl. You were really great for the night. But I want nothing more to do with you, so kindly get out of the room. Goodbye." I said and quickly scurried off to the washroom.

And that, Ladies and Gentlemen, is how you get rid of your one night stands.

Later in the afternoon I had to attend this meeting in FR corporation, my best friend's company, because we are gonna expand and collab our businesses.

But before that, I have some other business to attend. I smirked as I thought about it. I went down to the basement of my office building, one whose door is hidden and is only accessed by me and Kio, my best friend.

It is, well, a basement cum torture house where I end all my enemies in a quite brutal way.

We have a new prisoner today, he fucking dared to betray me, his king and I'm gonna show him exactly what happens when you do that.

I enter the room where he is kept tied down with metal chains already beaten badly but I don't find satisfaction in only that. I had told Mike, my loyal right hand man to get some wires and ice cubes ready.

I see that those things are kept ready in the room. I take the wires in my hand, which are already connected to the switch board.

"No! No! No King please forgive me. I just got blinded my money that I did all this. I swear to God I won't do it again. Please King!" I smirked but don't reply. I snap my fingers pointing at Mike and he puts a ball of cloth in his mouth. Wouldn't want my employees to hear a sound of it!

I put the wires on his thighs and his muffled screams are heard all over the room.

I scrunch up my face "Tut Tut! Shut up Max! I didn't even do anything yet. I removed the wires and pour the whole bucket of dry ice in his pants. I smirk in satisfaction when I hear his screams. I take my favorite knife and make a cross on his chest. I took my gun out of the drawer and pointed it at the meeting point of the two lines of the cross.

I glared at him and said "May you die in peace" and shot the bullet. Once.Twice. And he's out cold. I sigh and tell them to clean up.

Later, I leave for the meeting, I went to Scarlet,the receptionist, honestly she's quite a fine girl.. Okay Ashton, Focus! I notice she's talking to some girl whose face I couldn't see but I could say she was pretty short and had worn hideous clothes..

"Hey sweetheart!" I said and looked at the girl turning towards me. And I looked at her.

Yaaayy!! I wrote the prologue! I hope you guys like it!

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