Chapter 4

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I re read the message about 10 times and shrieked for 2 whole minutes. After finally regaining my composure I answered his message.

S: Yeah, of course! I don't think it's inappropriate at all. I'm actually not used to talking through DM, so it's perfect. My number is +52 818 753 9810.

N: Yeah, me neither. And great, let me add you. I'll send you a message!

S: Perfect!

I couldn't stop pacing around my room. Niall had just asked me for my number, like my actual number! I even pinched myself to check if I was dreaming, because this seemed so surreal, but no, it wasn't a dream. The redness and sore spot in my arm could confirm it. Not 3 minutes had passed when my phone vibrated. I quickly checked the screen and sure enough, there was an unknown number that had sent me a Whatsapp message, before I even got a chance to unlock my phone, there was another notification, this time from Messages, from the same number. I decided to open the Whatsapp message first.

N: Hi, this is Niall. Let me know if you get the message.

S: Hii, I did get the message!

Then I opened Messages and checked his message there.

N: Hi, this is Niall, again. Making sure Messages works as well, just in case.

S: Yep, this works too.

Another notification, from Whatsapp again. 

N: I see that you got both of my messages, let's talk through here yeah?

S: Yes, I'm more used to using Whatsapp than Messages to be honest.

N: Me too. So what are you up to?

S: Well, I was going to start working, but then I decided to postpone it 'till after lunch :) Wbu?

N: That's better. So what do you do for work? And I'm just here chillin in my living room, playing some guitar. I'm procrastinating because I really don't want to cook dinner.

S: It's weird that you're going to eat dinner and I haven't even eaten lunch, I'm not used to talking to someone who is in a different time zone. I mean, that big of a difference, what time is it in London btw? 

S: And I'm a trader and free lancer, so basically I get to work from home or anywhere in the world and I control my own schedules, it's pretty great. I didn't really see myself as a 9-5 worker, so this works perfect for me.

N: That's so cool! I could never see myself as an office worker either, I would go crazy. 

N: And here in London it's 8:17 pm. What time is it there?

S: It's 2:17 pm. Which means you're 6 hours ahead of me.

N: Well, not for long. I go back to the States in 3 days, so then you'll be 2 hours ahead of me. Wow this is confusing.

S: Yeah, it really is haha. So what are you going to have for dinner? Or what do you usually have for dinner? Because I always struggle, I never know what to eat for dinner. Lunch is easy because my mom makes it and I don't have to decide. But since I have to cook dinner for myself, I always ask people for their input, to get new ideas.

N: Well, to be honest I order food like 4 times a week, I'm that lazy haha. But when I do cook, I usually have chicken tikka masala, or just plain chicken. I also eat salads sometimes, salmon, pasta. Whatever I have in my kitchen, I'm not a picky eater. 

Small Talk (Niall Horan)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن