Chapter 74

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*Sofia's P.O.V.*

"When are you uploading the video?" Niall asked me for like the 100th time. I was just making sure everything was perfect before uploading it. 

"I'm going baby. Just making sure there aren't any mistakes."

"Okay, but hurry up." He spoke, bouncing up and down in the couch like a little child. Niall and I had already made a video about our relationship and I was going to upload it on the 15th, but since the little Harry slip, we decided to post it now. We wanted to get it over with and post it now, because since the news came to light yesterday, all of the fans have been going crazy and want confirmation from either of us, so we're going to deliver.

"You want to see it one last time before I post it?" I asked Niall.

"Yeah, let's see it." He scooted closer to me and I positioned the phone between the two of us so we could both watch. I clicked play and a clip of Niall and I hugging appeared, it was on e of the first videos we took as a couple. We had seen this trend on TikTok which was the I started dating this guy and... and then proceeded to include snippets of videos showcasing the relationship. We loved the idea and thought that that was a cute way to tell everyone we were dating, but since that has now changed, it is a good way to confirm our relationship. "It's perfect." Niall smiled at me after watching the minute long video.

"Great! Then I'll upload it right now."

"Make sure to tag me."

"As if people didn't know who you are." I mean, even if I didn't tag him, obviously people were going to recognize him, he was freaking Niall Horan.

"Can you just tag me? Is it too much to ask?" He asked in a soft tone.

"Did you just reference one of your songs?" I laughed.

"Yeah, I did." He laughed too. 

"Niall, Niall, Niall." 

"I couldn't let the opportunity slide, it fit perfectly."

"Yeah, it did."

"Well then, are you going to tag me or not?"

"Yes, geez, so anxious."

"You know me."

"Unfortunately, I do."

"Oi, shut up." Niall lightly pushed me, as a joke obviously. 

"You know I was joking Nialler. Getting to know you is the best thing that has ever happened to me."

"Oh, so romantic." He put his hand to his chest while speaking. And I couldn't help but crack up, remembering that one interview he did with Harry in which they said: The laughs we have, between me and you, pranks, laughs and then Niall went Ohh. It was hilarious.

"What are you laughing about?" He asked, since tears had started rolling down my cheeks from laughing so hard.

"I just remembered an interview you did with Harry."

"The Ohh one right? I've seen a lot of memes and gifs about it."

"Yeah that one." I carried on laughing.

"It wasn't that funny."

"Umm excuse you...yeah it was."

"Fine, it was funny. But can you please stop making fun of me and post the video?"

"Okay, okay. I'm going." 

"Thank you."

"There, I already uploaded it. And yes, before you ask, I did tag you Niall."

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