Chapter 18

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*Sofia's P.O.V.*

It took us about 10 minutes to get to Harry's house, and it looked just as nice as Niall's house. These guys did have pretty good taste. I tried to keep my composure on the outside, but I was dying on the inside, I mean, I was going to hang out with One Direction, and not only that, it was OT5! 15 year old me would be so jealous of her future self.

"We're here." Niall announced after he parked. "You ready babe?"

"Yep, let's get going." I spoke as we both opened the car door and headed towards the front door. Stay calm, stay calm, stay calm, is all that I kept repeating over and over again in my head.

"Heyy, how are you?" I suddenly heard a deep voice and I instantly knew it was Harry. He quickly embraced Niall, since they hadn't seen each other in a while. I could see the smiles on both of their faces and just how happy they looked to finally reunite.

"I'm doing great." Niall answered as they broke from their embrace. "This girlfriend...Sofia." Niall introduced me, getting nervous before saying I was his girlfriend since it was pretty recent and neither of us were accustomed yet to introducing each other as our boyfriend or girlfriend.

"Hi, how are you?" I asked Harry as he hugged me lightly and kissed my cheek.

"I'm pretty good too. Come on inside, Liam and Maya are already here. But Lou, Eleanor and Zayn aren't, you know they're never on time." He spoke, causing Niall to laugh.

"Yeah, I know." We headed inside and found ourselves in the living room, where Liam and Maya were. As soon as Liam saw Niall he sprung up from his seat and went to hug him.

"It's so great to see you mate." Liam told him.

"It's great to see you too." And then he introduced me again to Liam and Maya.

"You didn't tell us you had a girlfriend!" Liam exclaimed when we finished greeting each other.

"It's pretty recent." I answered.

"Yeah, we actually started dating yesterday." Niall responded with his cute little laugh at the end.

"Really?" Harry asked in a very chill yet deep tone, reminding me of the famous interview in which he said really? No fookin way. And it took all the strength in me to keep a straight face and not burst out laughing right there.

"Yes." Niall responded as we both sat down in one of the couches, opposite of Liam and Maya. As soon as we sat down the doorbell rang again, and Harry went to open the door. A minute later, Zayn, Louis and Eleanor walked through the door. Both Niall and Liam went over to hug them quickly, and it was so surreal to watch the 5 of them hugging again, it felt as if I had travelled back in time to 2015. Maya and I just looked at each other and smiled, we were happy that our boyfriends were happy. After they finished hugging the boys came over and we introduced ourselves, not that they needed an introduction, of course I knew exactly who they were, but I didn't need to tell them that.

"So, what have you guys thought about the anniversary?" Liam asked, getting straight into business. Basically asking what everyone in the world wanted to know, especially Niall, Louis and him.

"Please tell us you've said yes to a tour." Niall pleaded, and his comment was aimed towards Harry and Zayn.

"Well..." Harry started, speaking in his usual slow voice.

"Oh come on, don't keep us waiting Hazza!" Louis suddenly exclaimed as he jumped from his seat.

"Okay, okay. I'm in for a tour." Harry spoke as a big smile appeared on his face. "Zayn?" He asked.

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