06| overwork

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          I rubbed my legs anxiously as I peeked at the profoundly concentrated president beside me, discerning the faint dark circles tainting his under eyes. He may act perfectly normal, though his eyes undoubtedly say otherwise. It was only a few days ago when I first saw the unhealthy eye bags, but I merely brushed it off and assumed it would disappear at that time. That perception immediately changed once witnessing them once again the very next day, and now becoming increasingly concerned day by day when I have not yet noticed a single change, or rather worsened, on his worrisome condition.

"What is it, Katsumi?" Akashi questions calmly, his pupils not once neglecting the essential document in hand as he swiftly yet perfectly completes filling them up.

I fiddle with my soft pale azure handkerchief as I gaze at him with brows knitted together, "When was the last time you had a good sleep, Akashi-kun?"

He softly sighs at my question, arranging the finalized document into a particular mass before promptly commencing to work on the following writing, "Exactly a week ago, I believe."

A week ago?

" Akashi-kun!" I exclaim in sheer worry before quickly shuffling my seat closer to his, dragging my own files along the way, "You've clearly been overworking yourself. Why not take a break from these papers and go home to rest."

"I am absolutely fine, Katsumi. I need to finish these remaining documents now, or else it'll become a nuisance tomorrow."

A pout forms on my lips as I stare at Akashi with a frown, notably bothered at how careless he is of his own well-being, even though I have never seen him anywhere close to unhealthy as of now, "Is there anything I could possibly get you?"

"No," he instantly replies, not missing a single beat. I huffed in frustration under my breath at his curt response, rummaging through my pile of documents to take certain ones home and complete them there. Now too upset by Akashi's stubbornness to do so here.

I particularly noticed during our time together, whether it is at the student council or during basketball practices, he never realizes he overworks himself, both mentally and physically. Do his parents not see his exhaustion? Being the president of the student council and captain of the basketball is -undoubtedly- no easy task— someone as superior as Akashi cannot handle such pressure either. He is, after all, only human, like everyone else.

I let out a short breath as I stood from my seat with my finished documents in my hold, walking towards the end of the rectangular polished wooden assemblage table, where Akashi sat, and take his considerably larger mass of completed papers. Silently, I organize them into separate heavy binders, glancing at Akashi once more while doing so. His character may be frightening at certain times, but there is perpetually that respect within you for his extraordinary capabilities. He never rewards himself for his accomplishments either, from what I am seeing.

And that is when the idea popped in.

Hastily shoving the binders back inside the large cabinet, I nervously rush to Akashi's side, where he eventually looks up from his document and raises an eyebrow at me in question before returning his attention to the papers.

"Would you like sweets later— at the new café as a reward, perhaps? I heard their coffee jelly is especially delicious."

A triumphant grin immediately plastered across my lips when noticing his writing halting for a moment as though considering my invitation. I knew Akashi had a bit of a sweet tooth, his favourite being the traditional coffee jelly. He would occasionally order them when we are outside of school grounds.

"As a reward, you say?" he repeats, a hint of amusement lacing through his voice, finally placing down his black ballpoint pen, "I do not need to be rewarded for such things, Katsumi."

"Even so, you do so much!" I express by stretching my arms far apart animatedly with a hopeful smile, "Let's visit that café and reward ourselves for our hard work today. Just you and I."

Just you and I? I inwardly smack myself while my face flushes in embarrassment, wishing he does interpret my words as an invitation to a date. He would definitely say 'no' to that.

"Alright, we can go," he states, my spirit now lifted with happiness, "however, you need to finish the remaining of your documents, as well."

"Oh, seriously?" I slump against my chair dejectedly, studying the undesirable small pile of incomplete reports. Then look back at Akashi, who looked at me expectedly. I straighten my back and pick up my documents from where I ended with pen in hand, "Well, fine. I'm paying, though, because it won't feel as rewarding if you pay for your own coffee jelly, Akashi-kun."

I promptly analyze my papers, striving to complete them as soon as possible and not wanting to keep the redhead from waiting.

And if I was not so keen on ending them cursed papers, I might have caught the small genuine smile on Akashi's face.

| to be continued

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