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An Insufferable Supper

The sudden stop of the carriage woke her from her slumber. A dull ache rested at the crook of her neck from the awkward angle she slept in.

"We're here," The soldiers spoke almost grimly.

The carriage rocked as one of them jumped out and opened the door for her, holding out their hand for her to grasp.

Her eyes flitted to the gloved hand then to the open forest behind him.

Could she...

"Where you're going is a lot safer than those woods," Looking behind her she saw the scarred man blankly stare at her.

Her eyes widened. Had he read her mind? Was she that obvious?

Swallowing painfully, she slipped her hand into the solider's and let him guide her out.

The sun was beginning to settle by the time they had arrived, it had taken them the whole day to get to the palace. They led her towards two tall iron doors which cast a dark shadow over them.

With a simple gesture of his hand, the towers opened for them, revealing a sight Camellia could hardly believe. She would have never guessed that such a robust and hard exterior could be hiding such a wonderful view.

Large wide fields with the rarest flowers filled the garden- the forest- before the palace. Which was just as large and magnificent. Unfortunately, she wasn't given the chance to take in every detail before she was dragged towards it.

Immediately, upon entering she taken by three other maids to up long marble staircases with golden bannisters. They guided her into a large grand room that far larger than her house. Camellia stood near the doorway with her mouth open catching flies.


Snapping her from her trance she turned to meet the green eyes of a petite maid.

"Oh, sorry," She blinked a few times and stepped forward, "I'm Camellia Bates by the way,"

"Blanche Everstone, I'll be your maid throughout your stay," She bowed.

"Maid?" The word struck her

"Yes..." Blanche answered just as confused, "Every guest is-"

"Guest?" Camellia threw her hands in the air and began pacing the room

"That's a very generous term and hardly the word I'd use in this situation," her blood boiled

What exactly is this 'King' playing at?

"Please, miss, I'm sure the King had his reasons," The maid followed her steps trying to calm her.

"Has he done this before?" She began biting her nails as her mind began conjuring wild ideas, "Am I being punished? Or does he expect something? Has he told you anything?"

Camellia immediately grasped the maid's shoulders, her hazel eyes desperately seeking answers in Blanche's emerald ones.

"I've been told two things," the maid gently took hold of her pale wrists and unclasped them from her, still holding them.

"One was to lead our new guest to her chambers and second to dress our guest for dinner which is already being prepared."

Sighing, she sagged her shoulders and the maid blew out a breath of relief- then it hit her.

"Dress? Why would I need to dress for dinner?" Camellia questioned, "Surely I may have it in my room?"

Nothing flies over her head, does it?

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