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An Unsavoury Reminder

It was near the afternoon when Camellia finally found the courage to venture outside of her room. The hallways were just as intricate and expensive as her room - unsurprisingly.

She folded her hands behind her back as she gazed at the paintings that covered the walls, most of them were previous Kings and Queens that reigned. She had to admit with King Thaddeus's looks, he would most certainly break their pattern

As walked further down she saw the clear marking of dust - or more accurately - the lack of dust.

Where once was she assumed a large portrait resided, all that remained was its rectangular shape of dust that formed around a clean area.

"King Alistair."

She jumped out of her skin, as whipped around so hard it was surprising her head stayed on her shoulder.

A few feet to her left, she saw his dark gaze focus on the space on the wall. His face was impassive but she could see something dark and sinister swirl in his eyes.

"Pardon?" She asked almost breathily when she realised her heart was beating faster than normal

Surely the effects of shock should have passed by now...

Finally, he tore his face away and looked at her, his eyes softened considerably. An awkward moment passed between them as yesterday's dinner replayed in their minds. His gaze stayed on her face as she used her hair to curtain it.

"The painting," he spoke attracting her gaze again, "It was King Alistair's," He explained with a small tilt to his lips when he saw her confused expression.

"Oh," A pink hue covered the top of her cheeks, unsure how to reply.

"I had it removed, the moment I took the throne," He placed one wrist over the other behind him, as he spoke.

The movement making his form seem all the more, larger.

"Why?" She followed behind him.

He paused looking over his shoulder, he gave her a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

"I'm afraid there's a long answer to that question," He resumed his walking

Despite wanting to question further, Camellia pushed the urge down.

"I see," she murmured

She looked at the back of his figure, he was broad and tall and very much physically capable of killing. But his own family?

"What has brought you out of your room?" He slowed down so the walked side by side

"Oh, I was hoping to find the library," an awful feeling settled in her stomach. Was it rude to assume that she allowed into the royal library?

"You wish to read?" He questioned seeming unbothered.

"Yes, it's a favourite past time of mine," Any hint of a smile dropped from her face, "It seems I have a lot of it now."

She refused to forget the means that brought her here, despite their polite conversations and dreadfully handsome looks.

A pained expression scrunched his face before he halted.

"I will take no more of your time. The library is down the staircase to the left," He bowed curtly, "Have good evening Miss Bates."

Without waiting for a reply, he turned on his heel and she heard his thudded footsteps eventually fade.

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