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3rd Person's pov

Jungkook was surprised when he notice that Jackson was helping him close the Club for today. Usually Jackson always leave him do the work and he'll work alone but now it seems different.

He also look Jackson's expression and saw he was annoyed by it. Somehow.

"What the hell your looking at? Hurry up and work so we can go home." Jackson said coldly.

"Ahm... Its okay if your going first. I'll tidy up the club by myself." Jungkook said and gave a small smile.

"Then I'm leaving bye." Jackson said and walk away, but as he was the door suddenly open and he saw Seok Jin came in. His annoyed expression got more annoyed.

"Great." 🙄 Jackson said annoyed and roll his eyes.

"Where do you think your going?" Seok Jin said with one eyebrow up.

"Of course Home." Jackson said.

"and leaving poor Kookie here alone." Jin said coldly.

"Yeah, well he said he can tidy up himself. Beside, isn't it the reason why we did hired him right?" Jackson said

"Still! Be courteous and help the poor child." Jin said and walk next to Kookie.

"Tsk, Well since your here you help. I'll be going bye." Jackson said and quickly walk away.

"Oi! We're not done yet!" Jin yelled.

Jin sigh. "That bastard." Jin said.

"Ahm... Jin hyung. You shouldn't be angry at Jackson Hyung I did say that he could go and I'd tidy the place My own." Jungkook said.

"Fine, Why though? Isn't it better if you have extra help?" Jin asked.

"Yeah, but.... Jackson Hyung seems to be not in the mood for that." Jungkook said.

"Tsk, That bastard doesn't even know how to smile properly." Jin said.

"I see. Do he have some problems." Jungkook ask curiously but then he realize something. "Ah.. its okay if you don't tell me. I mean... If its okay since I might be intruding his private life..." Jungkook said.

Jin laugh a little. "Yeah, well he doesn't have any problem. He was just born like that. He got a cold expression to everyone including to his childhood friend namjoon. But his not mean his really kind just not the type that shows it directly. " Jin said

"I know, Jackson Hyung is really Nice. He sometimes help me wash some dishes so that I can take a little break." Jungkook said with a smile.

"Well, that's new. But I'm glad his helping." Jin said and smile.

"I'll help you tidy up." Jin said.

"Ah..." Jungkook was about to deny but..

"No buts." Jin said.

Jungkook was worried at first but he smile he was glad that he had help.





"There, its already Close." Jungkook said.

"Good Work for today Jungkook." Jin said with a smile.

"Thank you." Jungkook said.

"Hm... I know its late, but would mind go with me and maybe we could have dinner?" Jin said.

It Started In A Wrong Sent ^-^ TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now