Chapter 30

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"Maddie lets go" my dad calls
"Dad it's 7:30 on a Saturday! Let me sleep" I grumble

He walks into my room and pulls off my covers, "now Maddie"
"Okay chill" I say and get out of bed
"You have 10 minutes" he calls from the hallway

I grab my soccer shorts from the drawer and a tank top. I put my hair in a ponytail and grab my cleats. I slam my bedroom door behind me and walk down the stairs to the kitchen.

"Where's Megan?" I ask walking into the room
"Sleeping" my dad answers and hands me a granola bar, "eat, we have a lot to do"

I throw the wrapper in the tray and take a bite, "are we going to the field"

My dad shakes his head, "we're hitting the track first"

I groan but reluctantly get in the car. My dad drives us to the track, "10 laps, go"

"That's two and a half miles" I protest
"You need to get in shape" he answers

I tie my shoe laces and start running, 8 laps later I'm exhausted.
"2 more to go" my dad calls from the sideline

I sprint my last 2 laps, and grab my water bottle. I drink and then squirt some on my face,
"It's so hot" I complain
"I know but we have more work to do," my dad points to the car

We arrive at the field, I see a few people kicking a ball around.
"Dad there's people here" I whine
"Maddie don't be difficult" my dad sighs

I open my door and grab my soccer stuff from the trunk.

My dad and I warm up, he walks over to the goal and I begin to shoot.

"Switch feet" my dad calls

I groan, I hate shooting with my left foot. After a bit of shooting we practice basic drills. I'm exhausted by the time we finish.

I collapse on the ground. My dad puts all our stuff in the car before walking back over to me. He offers my hand, "let's go home"

My dad drives, I pull out my headphones. I lean my head against the window, it's starting to rain. Rain drips down the windows. We pull up in our driveway, I run inside to avoid getting soaked.

I open the door, Zach, Liam, Megan, and Sofia are sitting on the floor in a circle.

"Hey princess" Liam calls
"Hey" I mumble and walk quickly up the stairs. I need to shower, I don't want anyone seeing me like this.

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