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I was half way through my second Stephen king book. The Shining. Its literally all I do when I'm not in class or doing college work.

"Hey you want anything from the kitchen?" Fatumi asks peeking through the slightly ajar door of my bedroom.

"OJ. On the rocks please " she laughed a little and disappeared. I rested the book on my thighs and looked around my grey and pink bedroom. It was small but it was comfy as hell. I spent most of my money on it. Especially the furry bits.

My mind wandered to a certain royal ass. We had no classes with him this year so I haven't bumped into him since I returned about two months ago. Although i have a feeling he is avoiding me.

"I ordered Chinese!" Fatumi says, barging into my room and my thoughts. Chinese...

My phone buzzed and Saddam's face appeared on the screen. I lit up.

Yasmeen: Brooo

Saddam : Sisss how are you ?

Yasmeen: I'm okay how are you both?

Saddam : still kicking, although Fahad is sleeping at the moment so technically not kicking.

I laughed, my mind reeled to my last conversation with Saddam which was about two weeks ago.

"You can't come back after every session Yas. It's not safe here anymore " I had instantly known that it had everything to do with Sani so i did not ask further questions.

We talked for about an hour extra while I downed my eggrolls.


4 years later

"Bingo" i said groggily to my cell mate. He was a boy, barely 23. He's been here for five years now because he stole food items from the farms of rich people.

I nudged him a couple of time more but he won't budge. He always did sleep like a log but something in the pit of my stomach tells me this isn't just sleep. I swallowed hard.

I looked at gash on his leg, it was an eye sore. Obviously infected to the point where he needed amputation. He had been managing that injury for the past year.

I reached for his pulse with a shaky hand. He was icy. A chill ran down my spine as I pulled away, retracted to the other end of the cell, putting as much distance as i could between us. Sobs rocked my body. Is this how I'm going to die too one day? Alone in a nasty prison cell for something i did not do?

The wardens came later that evening to move 'bingo's' already putrefying body.

"You are next" the shifty eyed warden said to me with a sinister chuckle. I caught their fading conversation about how he was paid handsomely to make me disappear. I almost passed out. They were planning to kill me! My uncle really did not want to leave any loose ends. I have to leave here. I have to leave here tonight.

When we go out to weed the ridiculously tall bushes behind the prison buildings, I scout. A handful of times I've been caught and beaten to a pulp but thanks to that, i know my bearings. I know where to run towards tonight.

For a year, bingo and I were planning our escape. We had a tiny flashlight and batteries, a pocket knife, and a two thousand naira. All which we had pinched from the guards. I laughed. Who would have thought i, will one day have to pinch two thousand naira from someone. Life really comes at you fast.

Bingo had tried to run once and he got caught by a bear trap. Hence the injury that won't heal. These people were inhumane. The had bear traps surrounding the entire facility. They could not risk any  of the inmates escaping.

Tainted Cinderella ✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant