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August 2016

"Do you have any sins to confess?"

I looked at the pastor barely through my black eye I received from pushing off yet another guard who had tried to rape me.

"I've been having murderous thoughts," I confess, "The only thing stopping me isn't my faith but the fact that I could be out of here soon."

Pastor Matthew crouched down to my level, "Who did this to you, Regina?"

"You know who." I respond darkly, "You've given reports on this but they do nothing."

Sighing the pastor sits back in his chair, "I've tried, Regina. They don't listen to me. I'm going to pray for you and your well-being. God will protect you."

I smiled weakly, "Not even God can protect me from this." I tell him, "I just want forgiveness for all of my actions."

"Violence isn't commended only the bible. Only God has the power for righteous anger." He instructs, "Do 100 Hail Marys to ask for forgiveness."

I nod my head slightly. "Father," I say whilst getting up, he looks up at me, "You not finding other people to tell this about makes you liable for anything that happens to me." I tell him, "I just hope there is enough Hail Marys so God may forgive you too."


November 2018

As we Ethan parked the car in the parking lot, people clapped.

I furrow my eyebrows getting out of the raised jeep to meet Vivian who had been waiting for me. "What is their problem?"

"You've been selected as the Senior Queen." She informs me and I can't help but roll my eyes so far I'm pretty sure it met the back of my head.

"You've got to be kidding me." I sigh, "One kiss and everyone acts like we're some golden couple."

"Caleb's claimed you." Ethan shrugs, "Once claimed there's not much argument there. You should probably ask him what your relationship is."

The people parted like the Red Sea like they did when they found out I killed someone but this time the look in their faces was envy. Jesus Christ these people have serious issues.

"It's nothing. All we did was kiss, I told him I like him and vice versa then my clothes got stolen. We barely hang out one on one." I admit opening my locker to put my bag down and taking my things out

"Well maybe you can-"

"Hi, Regina." We all turn to see the girl who had interrupted Vivians idea. "Name's Jaime McNight, relative of Kayla, I just wanted to let you know that I don't follow her ideas and craziness-"

"Please get out of my face." I dismiss really not in the mood for anything Kayla related

"Yes, Okay." She muttered and shifted to the right so we can keep walking

"Is this what I'm going to have to deal with?" I ask exasperated as we walk towards my home room class.

"Pretty much." Ethan nods, "Gets quiet draining sometimes but it has its perks."

"I have too much on my mind to even deal with this." I utter. I still have to find a way to expose Kayla and find Bambi's family which my PI still hasn't given me information on. I guess her family have gone through the extremes to keep distance between them and her

"Oh before I forget, Mom wanted me to tell you that we have dinner with the Mensa's tonight." Ethan drops as we stop at my home room.

I raise my eyebrow, "Why are we doing that?"

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