08 • Neon Lights

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《Short Recap》

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《Short Recap》

"Ok, I should get going then." I replied quickly, making my way into the building lobby.

I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply.

Let the party begin!


"We're here." Neel announced, navigating the car into the driveway of the club.

Roshni and I slid out of the backseat and waited for Neel to park the car and join us before we went inside.

"Now remember you look amazing tonight. Don't you dare curl up in a corner and watch like a bloody raccoon, okay." Roshni said, her version of my pre-first-party pep talk.

"Wasn't planning on it." I replied, curling my lips up into a determined smile.

"That's the spirit, girl!" she laughed.

All the students of our batch had pooled in money to rent this club for the evening. Obviously, it was going to be a strictly no-alcohol event since none of us were of age yet, but the idea of having a party at a dance club was far more appealing than having it at the senior citizens club three blocks away from college.

After the bouncer had checked our names off the roster, we needled our way through the already thick crowd that was swaying to the upbeat music blasting from the speakers.

"Do you guys want something to drink before we join Tarun and Siri?" Neel shouted over the music.

"Yeah, I guess." Roshni replied, already bobbing her head to the beat.

"I could do with one too." I nodded in agreement.

We made our way to the juice counter, where an array of colourful drinks were kept out.

It was dark inside the club, and neon lights flickered overhead.

Although mild air freshener wafted through the air, released periodically by special ducts in the ceiling, the smell of sweat hung heavily in the air.

Some people sat on couches in small groups, laughing gaily, but most were dancing. Their gyrating bodies swinging in sync with the EDM.

The entire setting of the place was enough to set my heartbeat off into a frenzy, and my feet started moving of their own accord.

Tugging Roshni's hand, I pulled her into the crowd with me.

"Let's dance." I said to her, shaking my hips and throwing my arms in the air.

Roshni shook her head at my newly found enthusiasm, "Was there something in your drink, Akira? I never in my wildest dreams thought that one day you'd drag me to the dance floor and not the other way around."

Throwing my head back in laughter, I replied, "Never thought that either. But I've decided to let myself loose tonight and have fun. So just humor me, will you."

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