38 • Celibacy And Imported Peaches

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《Short Recap》

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《Short Recap》

"Ma I know you have my best interests in mind but I'd really appreciate if you could respect the fact that I'm an adult now and I have the right to choose who I want to invest my time and feelings on. And if you find that difficult to understand then you'll have to deal with it." I said it all in a single breath.

I felt liberated but the moment I was done with my impromptu human rights speech, fear grappled my insides as my mother wore a shell shocked expression.

Before she could say anything to me, I turned on my heel and walked out of the house. I wasn't prepared for the emotional melodrama that would ensue.

Everything comes at a price after all.


"This weekend was a fucking catastrophe!" Roshni stated in a loud dead set tone as she took the seat across from me in the canteen, garnering a few empathetic looks from the students around us.

From the looks of it, almost everyone around us seemed to be in the middle of a mid life crisis by the speed at which they were typing away into their smartphones or the number of cups of chai tea they had downed in the last half an hour.

"Yeah, tell me about it." I sighed, setting my big data analytics notes down on the table.

"The emphasis is on fucking here, mind you." Roshni went on as I stared at her with a confused look.

She rolled her eyes dramatically before shrugging her shoulders.

"You know how the weekend is our family time, right? Well, my ferret brained brother decided that it was finally time to introduce Lara to my parents. If the Sunday lunch wasn't already awkward because of that, our movie hour most certainly was." She ranted, complete with frantic hand movements.

"Whoops." I made a face before going back to my work.

"Listen to the entire thing Akira! I haven't even reached the worst part yet," she huffed, causing me to give her more than seventy five percent of my attention, "My parents had to run a couple of last minute errands so they left the three of us alone to watch the movie, The Revenant, might I add. Apparently, all the gore seemed to massively turn on both Lara and Neel so they ended up going up to our old room and sexing it up like fucking buffaloes in heat. And my poor ass was left alone to watch Leo DiCaprio brutally killing his unfaithful comrades."

"That definitely sucks." I scrunched my nose at the thought of two of my friends doing the deed, "If it makes you feel any better, the weekend with my mother was horrible too. Ever since my outburst on the day of her arrival she's been hot and cold and it's hard to gauge the mood she's in until she actually starts talking. Fortunately Vinay isn't staying with us, otherwise we would have had our own saas bahu sitcom streaming live all week."

"I'd feel bad for you, Akira but right now I'm just glad that I'm not the only one who has no action in my life." Roshni pouted slightly, before getting up and ordering a plate of samosas.

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