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They run for hours without daring to stop. Nicholas feels the throbbing in his hand but due to adrenaline that runs through his body, he barely feels it. The Brazilian mafia boss sees the tiredness that consumes everyone around him. He can hear the panting, he can smell the sweat, and he can feel the tension between them.
Nicholas is almost certain that the enemy's men are no longer chasing them. Regardless, nighttime approaches and if they get caught off guard in the dark, then they will have limited option especially since out of the women in the group, only Crystal knows how to fight and use a gun; at least that is what he believes.
As they run, Nicholas cannot get the image of his little sister shooting the two people he once believed to be his parents out of his mind. He is sure that Dante and Angelica are the first people Crystal has ever killed. While they were in the cave, he wanted to go and talk to her about it, however, he saw how she acted and she seemed unaffected by what happened. He knows that he should not be fooled by her behavior or words. After all, her behavior hid many secrets over the years. Still, based on how she abused the tree, he feels like their talk can be postponed until they are in a safe place.
Another person Nicholas is worried about his little brother. He has never met nor talked to Zaire, but when he saw him unconscious in the middle of Lorenzo's office, he could not help but feel protective over him. He also cannot help the unconditional love he feels towards his new found brother.
Even with his eyes closed, Nicholas could see the resemblance between the two of them. He could even see the similarities between Crystal and Zaire, and despite the circumstances it brought warmth to his heart.
However, all these thoughts abandon his mind as Nicholas fears for his brother's life. From what Crystal described, Zaire's medical situation is not good, and Nicholas cannot help but fear the worst. If something happens to his little brother, Nicholas will not be able to forgive himself. He can also sense Crystal's anxiousness. However, there is so little he can do about it while running in the middle of nowhere.
"Am I the only one who thinks that if the gunned people do not get us, then the animals in these woods will?" Leora pants. No one answers her as they continue running; however, Nicholas can tell that they are slowing down with each step they take.
"I believe neither will get you." Milo suddenly appears from in between the tress causing all of them to stop in their tracks.
"Dad!" Crystal runs to the old man and wraps her arms around him.
"Hey sweetheart, are you okay?" Crystal pulls away a little from Milo and looks up at him. She just nods before she buries her face in his chest. Nicholas feels jealous of the scene that occurs before him. He is not jealous of the fact that Crystal apparently trusts Milo more than she trusts him. He is envious of the relationship she has with their father. He envies the years that she had known that Milo is their actual father, and he envies all the moments she spent with him.
The Brazilian man wishes he had known what his sister knew all along. Nevertheless, he knows that Crystal's secrets are his mistake. If he had trusted her with his secrets, then she would have not felt the need to hide her own from him.
Despite his jealousy, Nicholas cannot help but feel ecstatic when Milo looks at him and gives him a genuine smile which he gladly returns. When the two break apart, Milo gets attacked with countless questions.
"How did you get here?"
"Is Zaire okay?"
"Do you know how we can get out of here?"
"Were you followed?"
"Did Brent and Ivan's men follow you?"
Milo looks at everyone before him before he focuses on Crystal and gives her a wide relieved smile.
"Zaire is fine. It was close, but with the right equipment, Freya was able to save him in the last second." Crystal looks at Nicholas for a moment before she closes her eyes and sighs in happiness. The Brazilian mafia boss is delighted as well; he will get the opportunity to get to know the brother he had been deprived of his entire life.
"I happen to be good around a computer, so finding a map and finding you was not that hard. I know a route that leads out of these woods, the van is parked there. So come on." Milo leads the way, and everyone follows him.
It takes them almost an hour to reach Milo's van. Nicholas does not know how his father managed to find them and how he managed to not attract any attention, but he does not care enough to ask. He is extremely exhausted that the only thing he is concerned about is getting to a safe place and sleep for a few days. That is after he goes and visits Zaire even if he is unconscious. Nicholas needs to see his little brother breathing with his own eyes to be completely relieved. Otherwise, he will not be able to sleep at all.

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