Chapter One; The Airport

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Max's POV 

"Wake your ass up" a familiar voice filled my ears. My sister Gracie. 

"Why?" I groaned. "It's like 6am" 

"For one we have to go drop Mom and Ma off at the airport, and two it's  7:30" She said, digging through our shared closet. 

I buried my face in my pillow for a minute and then rolled over. 


I got up and put on my favorite gray leggings and matching sports bra. I grabbed a black zip-up sweater and threw my hair up in a loose ponytail. It was a no-makeup kinda day so natural beauty is what I'm going for.  The only problem is I look like a depressed hobbit who does even know what a shower is. Translation; I look ugly. 

"Why do I look like a troll and your pretty. This isn't fair Gracie" I complained. 

"Oh shut up your beautiful" she scoffed. 

"But I ain't lying though." I rolled my eyes. 

"Probably cause I got mom's  pretty eyes" she said, laughing.

"Your so mean to meee" I whined jokingly. 

"Hey you said it. I'm merely agreeing with your statement" she laughed.

I slugged my way out of the bathroom and back into our shared room, where I found my sister laying on her bed on her phone. 

She clicked her phone off, "Finally" She said, rolling her eyes. 

Five minutes later, we were out the front door and into the car. I can't believe my moms are going on a couples retreat to Europe for 6 weeks and leaving my with my demons of sisters. Okay, exaggerating a little. Gracie's pretty chill, but Layla always needs a ride somewhere. I'm pretty sure she has more friends than I do. Well that's depressing... And Rachel is so frickin annoying, she always wants to go on runs at like, 9am! Okay, mayyybe I'm just really lazy. I'm gonna go with both. 

We arrived at the airport at about 10 o'clock. We were pretty early so we all got food at a airport KFC. 

"You girls remember the rules for staying home alone?" Ma asked, glancing around at all of us. (Just in case you don't know Ma; is Lily, their stepmom. But they love her like their real mom because she raised them. They call their mom mom lmao) 

"Yeah" we all responded simultaneously. 

"Just in case, no people  over after 11 on school nights. Sleepovers with no more than 3 people at a time. No going in me and moms room. No skipping school! Don't leave without telling anyone. And no eating my secret stash of chocolate." She scolded us, jokingly of course. 

We all cracked a smile at the last one. "Okay" I jokingly rolled my eyes. 

We enjoyed our food until around 11, their flight was at 12 but they're control freaks so they NEEDED to be early. 

We waved as they boarded the plane. Layla was completely staring at her phone until I lightly slapped her on the shoulder. She gave a half hearted wave and stared back down at her phone. 

We returned home and I immediately hopped out and ran next door. 

"I'm going to Mateo's" I shouted at my sisters. 

"Okay" Gracie was the only one to respond. 

I knocked on the door and patiently waited. Mateo's dad answered the door. 

"Hi Mr. Nguyen" I gave him a quick hug. 

"Hi sweetheart, Mateo's upstairs." He respond, opening the door allowing me to come in. 

"Alright thank you" I wave the behind as I walked up the stairs. 

I opened the door to Mateo's room without knocking, he was only watching a movie. 

"Hey Matty" I said plopping my body down on his bed. 

"Didn't I tell you to stop calling me that?" He raised one brow. 

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes. 

"Okay Maxxineee" he said, drawing out the name  I hated so. 

"Fine fine. I'll stop calling you that. What are you watching anyway?" I asked, in defeat. 

"Lilo and stitch, a classic." He laughed. "Want me to change it?" 

"Nah this is good" I shrugged, resting my head on his shoulder. His arm around me, for some reason in felt a bit different. Pretty good actually, but don't get the wrong idea. We're strictly just friends. 

Mateo's POV

We were watching the beautiful classic that is lilo and stitch. She fell asleep softly snoring in my arms. Her warm body, making my heart rate sky rocket. Her hair softly tickling my upper arm and chin. Her nose nuzzling in my chest. Man I loved this girl, one day I'll make her mine forever. I sound hella corny.

Author's Note; Hey you guys! So this is the first chapter. I know it's short. I'll try to get the first few chapters out quicker. Since this is only my first book, I'm very open to suggestions.   Tell me what I did right, or maybe even the things you didn't like. If there is any mature content in the chapter. It will say so at the top. Okay, love you guys ❤️❤️

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