Chapter 4; The Party

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Max's POV

We walked over to Mateo's house. Literally a two second walk. 

I was lowkey nervous about my first actual party. But no way was I gona give them satisfaction of freaking me out. I wasn't scared of anything. Just social interaction...heh.

I saw Mateo, basic party outfit, he kinda looked like a fuck-boi. But that's okay, he's still hot. A dark blue, navy button up. Half unbuttoned, revealing a cleanly shaven chest. Making my core dampen slightly. Fuuuuuck, I am not getting turned on right now. I'm in denial, shit.

"You guys can get in the car, I'll be back in a minute." He snapped me out of my little fantasy world. Probably for the best, heh. 

I adjusted my dress and climbed in the front seat. Meg in the back. 

"You ready for this Maximus?" She asked, raising a brow. 

"Fuck yeah" I said, maybe too enthusiastically.

"Alright party people, let's take this show on the road." Mateo started the car. 

"You're corny" I giggled. 

"Oh, you know you love it Brinx" 

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Yeah, okay" I said sarcastically.

"Y'all are both corny" Meg said, reaching over and turning up the volume. Flipping through a few different radio stations just before. 

As we pulled up the house party, I took a second the study my surroundings. Bright lights, of many colors. Lots of people, loud music. A few making out on the porch or in the bushes, one couple even doing it on the side of the house. Ew, but weirdly enough turned me on. I guess that's a normal thing to do, fuck at a house party. I can imagine who I'd do that with. Also, there was a lot of booze. That's when I came up with my genius idea. Now Mateo doesn't drink, I do on occasion.

Like at this concert we went to. The basic idea of my plan is to pretend to be drunk, because nobody has time for a hangover. And then basically sleep with Mateo. Not the best idea ever, but it was okay I guess. Mateo ran off to get drinks fast. A couple minutes after, he returned. But Meg was already lost in the party scene. 

"Here ya go my lady." He handed me a red plastic cup. 


"So how are you liking the party?" 

"It's okay- wait are those people fucking?!" I exclaimed, pointking at these people fucking on the side of the garage. I took that moment to quickly dump out my drink behind me in a bush.  

"Uhh, yeah. Sorry about that, I'm ashamed to say that happens a lot at parties." 

"Well, I guess that's one way to do it." 

He laughed "yeah"

"Oh, you already finished the drink. I'll go get more." With that he disappeared.

And then he came back. 

"Here ya go" he said, another plastic red cup. 

I stumbled a bit, adding to the affect. 

"Thank youuu" I slurred. I'm pretty good at this. 

"How many drinks have you had. I've been gone for ten minutes" 

I pretended to count on my fingers, "only a little" I giggled.

"Oh my god, you're drunk" he sighed. "What am I gona do with you?" He gave me a disapproving  dad stare. 

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