Chapter Two; Straight Up Bullshit

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Mateo's POV 

I woke up the next morning feeling a little empty, maybe because I didn't have Max in my arms. Ugh, what a weird feeling. Why am I needy all the sudden. I always knew I liked her but I've never felt this. Weird. 

I walked out the door and Max was already waiting for me on her porch, we walked to school together every morning. She was wearing a white hoodie from her trip to California, light wash jeans, combat books and a black beanie. Man have a ever wanted to kiss her more, although there is absolutely no way I will even risk ruining our friendship. No way in hell. 

"What's up Max?" I asked her as we started our 10 minute walk to school. 

"Nothing just my bitchy sisters being assholes, the usual" she complained, smirking. She wrapped both of her arms around one of mine and rested her head on me. 

Some sort of electric shock ran through me. I liked the way she clung to me. 

"Sounds like nothing has changed. " I laughed. 

Max's POV

"Nope, nothing" I shook my head....

Except maybe my feelings for you, I thought. Okay so last night I couldn't sleep, so I laid there and just let my thoughts take over. I imagined him laying there cuddling with me. When I imagine my future I want him there. I may only be 15 but I know what I want, I'm more mature than people my age. That night I dreamed that he liked me too. But I know he doesn't, why would he like me. We're just friends after all. Right? 

We got to school and parted, going separate ways. I thought about potentially confessing my feelings to him. Maybe I'll kiss him, I knew I wasn't the best kisser though. And even if we kissed that might lead to something else, he knows I'm a virgin, but he isn't. What if I can't impress him.   I wanted to complain to someone about this but he was literally my only friend. I can technically complain to him about this person, IF he doesn't know who it is. He probably wouldn't suspect that I like him, so it's fine right? I'm going with yes. 

I finally got through gym class and met him at our secret table behind the bleachers by the football field. It wasn't a real secret but nobody had eaten with us since freshman year. So, yeah we pretty much only had each other. 

He was already there when I had arrived. I had bought us cheesy fries to share from the cafeteria. The rest of the food is terrible, but the cheesy fries are pretty good. He passed me a can of coke. 

"Hey" he said, offering me a sour gummy worm, his all time favorite food. I nodded my head and picked through the bag, I only liked the blue ones. But those were the only ones he didn't like, we were the perfect pair. 

"Hey" I said, plopping down in the seat next to him. Still overwhelmed about my new feelings for him.  Must've showed, because....

"What's wrong" he asked worriedly. Nudging my arm with his elbow. 

"Nothing" I said, faking my best smile. 

"Your a liar, give me some credit. I can tell when your lying I've known you for like 10 years." He laughed a little. 

"Uhh, well I have a crush on this guy. But I don't think he likes me back." I frowned. Trying to make sure he didn't see through me and know it was him. 

"Oh" he said, for some reason a tinge of noticeable dissatisfaction in his voice.

 "I'm sure he does, your smart, kind, funny" he paused "pretty" 

My heart jumped into my throat. He think I'm pretty....

"Uhh, yeah. But I don't think I'm even a blip on his radar." I shrugged. All the things I was saying were true, but they were about him. 

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