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Chapter 25: Mama King

🍪Ellie's P.O.V

Fireworks, sparks, bombs, nuclear bombs.

I felt that all through the kiss, kidding on the nuclear bomb though because then we'd both be blown up into dusts.

The kiss was anything but gentle, it was passionate and completely raw. Alec's lips were soft, addicting, and magical, it was something that I never knew could actually exist.

I couldn't stop the wisp of smile that
formed on my lips through our kiss, feeling him wrap an arm around my waist pulling me closer against him.

The dinosaurs in my stomach stomped wildly with joy, my heart feeling like it would go out of my chest in a second.

"Ellie," Alec hummed through the kiss, leaning down slightly so that I could wrap my arms around his neck.

I hummed in reply, my eyes closed in complete bliss.

"For peanut's sake! Ellie! Stop daydreaming!" Ark's voice made me snap out of my trance.

My eyes opened, letting out a surprised gasp and pushing myself out of the seat and landing unto the floor with a thud.

"Spill me the fucking tea boo, you've been flying so high into cloud nine I'm surprised your head's still intact on your neck," Ark accused, giving me a knowing look.

I let out a hiss and pulled myself up, fixing my glasses. I patted my butt to get rid of the dirt before sitting back to the seat.

It was currently lunch time, Ark and I were seated at the new spot and this time, was seated into the bench. The pack of skittles haven't arrived yet giving me time to share the tea.

Ark squealed,"You finally kissed boo! Yes! The ship is full on sailing and damn is the wind faster than before!" She fist bump in the air.

I couldn't help but laugh at her, feeling amused at how she gets so excited over us every time.

Trays were placed on the table, the pack of skittles have arrived and sitting in their usual order. I looked up to my side, just in time to see a pair of lips meeting mine briefly.

I pulled away, a grin forming on my lips. Alec took the seat next to me, a smirk on his own and his electrifying eyes conveying happiness.

"Hiii biscotto," He greeted softly, dragging the 'i' in a cute manner.

"I'm not sure if my eyes are fucking with me but did they just kiss?" Val asked, his green eyes wide with shock.

Chase and the twins started whooping at this, teasing Alec who merely gave them an amused look. I felt my cheeks heat up, a smile forming on my lips.

"Oooh! What's the celebration?" Todd piped in, taking a seat next to Chase.

"These two idiots finally kissed," Valentino beamed, earning an amused look from Todd.

"Are you guys going to the field trip next week?" Ark asked, changing the topic.

Hayden sighed,"More like a day where we gain nothing but sweat and muscle pain," He grumbled.

"We don't exactly have a choice, do we? but its complete bs that our final grade in P.E will be determined in that day," Chase nodded, letting out a shrug.

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