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Chapter 50: History

🍪Ellie's P.O.V


It was something that I could feel all over my body, regaining consciousness is something that I didn't expect especially after being beaten to peanuts and stabbed by a lunatic.

An annoying beeping sound met my ears, my eyes fluttering slowly and wince slightly at the harsh light. The familiar scent of detergent and medicine gave a huge indication that I was in the hospital.

A small cry erupted before I felt hands gently take a hold of both my cheeks."Ellie? Honey, can you hear me?" My mom's teary eyes met my gaze.

She looked tired and from the way her eyes were puffy, I knew she had been crying. I gave a small nod, making her hug me gently while she tried not to cry.

"What happened? Are you okay? You look like you hadn't gotten a wink of sleep." I croaked out, pulling away from her.

She sniffled, shaking her head."I'm okay baby but are you okay? How do you feel? Does your wound hurt that bad?" I paused, realizing that the dull pain was actually from the wound.

It was  the painkillers that made me somehow breathe easier."I'm fine, it doesn't hurt that much." I assured, earning a nod from her.

"Okay, that's good baby. Your dad's busy at the station. They're sorting the evidences at the scene." Mom explained, pushing my hair behind my back.

"Where's Theodore then?" I asked, growing worried.

Did they have him? Why isn't he here?

"He's with Sage and Ark back at the house. He was crying last night, waiting all night with boys and them. I had the three of them drive home to Nana's since he can't sleep here and they needed to rest." Mom explained, relief immediately flooding in me.

"The boys? Where's Chase and Todd? Are they okay?" I sat up, mom immediately shaking her head.

"They're okay Ellie, they were here the whole night. They just went down the canteen to eat some food." She answered, a old guy with a white coat entering the room.

The doctor was around in his fifties and sported a warm smile, holding some papers in his hand with a stethoscope around his neck.

"Ah! It's good to see you away Ms. Haven." He greeted, making me smile."Call me Doc Will dear, now let's see." He looked down at the chart on his hand, nodding.

"Was her test results okay doc? No complications?" My mother asked, her green eyes portraying her concern.

"She's fine Mrs. Haven." He replied, turning his gaze to me."You suffered a mild concussion, bruised cheeks, a broken rib and good thing that knife managed to miss a vital spot in you. I can understand how you must feel Ms. Haven." He explained, making me widen my eyes.

And I'm still alive? Woah.

"The painkillers are working wonders Doc," I smiled, making him chuckle."When can I be discharged?"

I didn't particularly like hospitals, it reminded me of death and how past peoples in this room have probably died or suffered from an illness.

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