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CHAPTER 16: A King's Past

A/N: I'm so so sorry for the late upload! I'm having wifi difficulties and couldn't upload the chapters properly! Thank youu for being patient!☺️💚

🍪Ellie's P.O.V

"You aren't dating yet?" Cam wondered out, closing her eyes as the wind gently blew past us.

We were in the balcony area, standing at the glass railing. Tonight was absolutely beautiful, the moon half hidden from us, the stars were scattered in the darkened sky.

Sometimes, when I look at the moon. I wonder if there's another world that does exist and gazes at the moon too, asking the same question as I.

Alec was currently washing the dishes despite his protests and Cam took the opportunity to sweep me away from the grumpy troll.

"No cam, we aren't." I said, feeling my cheeks heat up.

"It's been quite a while since I've seen my son smile like that. It's quite refreshing," She smiled softly, placing her hand on the railing.

"I've seen him smile a few times and indeed it's quite a sight. Does he not smile when he's with you?" I turned to her, my curiosity burning.

She shook her head,"He does but his eyes tell a different story. My son, he isn't the type to talk about his family," She started off, looking up to the moon.

"I can tell, he mentioned about his dad though but it was only brief," I told her, feeling quite sad.

There are people who are open to their family experiences while there are others who likes to keep it to theirselves.

We all have different experiences and lessons regarding it but one thing I do know is family will always be something that we would find ourselves going back to.

"Alec and his dad were close but he was more of a mama's boy. When his father died, he grieved and accepted it like I did but his older brother," She trailed off, a sad tone in her voice.

I held my breath, clearly not expecting that Alec would have an older brother. Does that mean he was the person who was in the picture I've seen before?

"Alec and Bash, they were two peas in one pod. Alec looked up to him and Bash did everything in his power to set a good example to him," She softly said, her eyes glazed as if recalling a distant memory.

My heart clenched, I knew the feeling of being the eldest. Expectations are unspoken but high and sometimes it can be quite stressful.

Not only does your siblings look up to you but so does your parents. The fear of being not good enough is there and sometimes that fear leads to bad decisions without thinking.

"What happened?" I asked softly, feeling my brows furrow.

"Harvey, his dad was once the leader of that gang. Bash was supposed to be the one to take his position but the death of my husband did a toll on Bash." She looked down, her hands coiling into fist.

I nodded quietly, losing someone is indeed painful but it's in your power wether you let the grief consume you or stand up stronger.

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