XVI: maleficent

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After a long, rowdy breakfast at the VMinKook Apartment, Yoongi broke the ruckus by announcing that we'd be heading home now. 

"Awe!! The little family is heading home now," Namjoon teases, making everyone else around the table snicker. 

"You need to go grocery shopping today, jagi?" Yoongi questions, ignoring the teasing stares from the boys and Sora. 

"Yes, I actually do! My fridge is basically empty," I laugh, Chunhei still sitting happily in my lap. 

"Can I come?! Can I come, please mummy!" She begs, once again throwing me her best pouty face. 

"Of course you can, sweet girl. You can be my little helper! Would you like that?" 

Chunhei lets out a gasp as she bounces in my lap, causing Yoongi to jolt forward and hold her steady. 

"Slow down, kitten. You'll fall!" Yoongi scolds, making Chunhei giggle and throw her arms around my neck. 

"Daddy, can I go with mummy?" 

"Of course. I just got a text asking me to swing by the studio, though," Yoongi answers, not taking his eyes off his phone, "So I probably can't go to the shops with you two. Will you be alright with Chunhei, love?"

"I'll be okay, don't worry," I reassure, adjusting Chunhei so she's sitting comfortably in my lap. 

"They need you in the studio, hyung? It's a Saturday," Namjoon speaks up, feeding Haru a pancake. 

"Yeah, some last minute changes on the track I submitted on Thursday."

"Hmm, you need me to follow?" 

"No, I should be good. I just wanna go in, make the necessary changes and leave," Yoongi answers back, finally looking up from his texts. 

"My girls ready to go?" He asks, looking between Chunhei and I. My heart melts at the sentence. 

"Yes! Let's go!!" Chunhei cheers, jumping off my lap and going around the table giving her uncles, auntie, and cousins goodbye hugs and kisses. 

I awe at the scene before me. 

"You're already an amazing mother, YN. I'm so glad you came into our lives. This is the happiest I've seen the two," Sora nudges you. 

"I'm glad, too. They make me so happy and I have no doubts about this. I'm still a bit nervous, but I'm great," I grin as Yoongi comes up and intertwines our fingers. 

"Let's go?" He flashes me his signature gummy smile that I've fallen in love with.

"Yup, let's head out!"

"Bye, YN! Text me later!" Sora waves, giving my butt a soft slap, making me yelp. 

"YAH! Not in front of the children!" Jin scolds his wife, who pokes her tongue out at him in response. 

"Bye, guys!" Yoongi, Chunhei, and me wave off, earning waves and byes in return. 

grocery store 

"I'll be back in an hour to pick you guys up. Is that enough time?" Yoongi asks, pulling up to the grocery store. 

"That's perfect," I respond, gathering my things.

"Great! Call me if anything happens," Yoongi softly says, leaning over the center console and placing a soft peck on my lips. 

"EWW! Mummy and daddy, stop it!" Chunhei laughs from the backseat. 

I separate from Yoongi as we both turn to look at the giggling child. 

"You better behave yourself, Chunhei! Don't give YN a hard time," Yoongi warns, shooting her a pointed look. 

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