XXVII: soft mornings

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I flutter my eyes open and notice that my chest feels heavier than usual. I let out a quiet groan before picking my head up and noticing a head of long black hair resting on my chest. For a moment, I panic until yesterday's events come rushing back. 

I lower my head back down on the pillow and start softly combing through Chunhei's silky locks. I look over to Yoongi's side and find it empty. 

"He must be using the bathroom," I quietly say to myself. 

"Mummy?" Chunhei quietly whimpers, still half asleep. 

She wraps her arms tighter around my middle, switching from laying her left cheek on my chest to her right. 

"Mummy's here, sweet girl," I whisper, "Sleep some more." 

She whimpers again before falling back asleep as I continue to play with her hair. 

A few minutes go by before the bedroom door opens. Yoongi stands in the doorway with fluffy bed-head, black sweatpants, and a gray hoodie. In his hands is a wooden tray holding a stack of pancakes, steaming mugs of coffee, orange juice (which must be for Chunhei) and a few more breakfast treats. 

"Good morning, kitty," He greets, shooting a wink my way. 

My cheeks flush bright red as he walks over, carefully placing the tray of delicious food on his side of the bed before walking over to my side and planting a passionate good morning kiss on my lips. 

"Mmm, I think I'd rather have you for breakfast," He teases, earning a slap on the shoulder from me. 

"Yoongi!" I whisper-shout, swatting at him. 

"At least I'm honest!" He defends, going back to his side and getting back into bed, placing the breakfast tray on his lap, "Wanna wake up the princess?"

I hum in response, moving the hair I had playing with to the side of Chunhei's face so I could stroke her chubby cheeks. 

"Wake up, princess," I coo, gently shaking her awake. 

She lets out a quiet whine, making Yoongi laugh beside me. 

"We've got pancakes, bubba," Yoongi tries to entice her, "I even put chocolate chips!"

Chunhei slowly opens her eyes, looking around a few times to familiarize herself with where she was. Her eyes go to Yoongi,  to the pancakes, to me, then once again goes back to the pancakes. 

"I want some!" Her face erupts into her signature Min gummy smile. 

She quickly sits up, moving towards the tray. Yoongi, quicker than her, moves the plate of pancakes away, earning a whine from the newly-awoken little girl. 

"Uh uh, little bubba," He teases, sending a smirk my way, "Mummy and daddy want good morning kisses first."

Chunhei giggles before pouncing at Yoongi and planting a big kiss on his lips before quickly greeting him with a, "Good morning, daddy!"

"Good morning to you, kitten," Yoongi laughs. 

Chunhei then turns back to me, wrapping her arms around my neck and pressing kisses all over my face, making me squeal in delight. 

"Good morning, munchkin," I laugh as she continues to plant kisses on my nose and cheeks, "You seem quite excited today."

"I had such a nice sleep that's why, mummy!" She begins to speak at a hundred miles-per-hour about how well and warm she slept  and how amazing her dreams were. 

I follow along, ooh-ing and aah-ing at the right moments. After a few more sentences, I stop her by placing a fork filled with pancake in front of her face. 

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