XLI: pancakes and cookies

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"Daddy, has mummy always had long eyelashes?" 

"Min Chunhei, shh. Mummy's trying to sleep," I flutter my eyes open and gasp as I see a tiny girl smiling wide at me. 

"MUMMY!" Chunhei squeals as I fully open my eyes and reach up to wrap her in my arms. 

"Chunnnnie," I whine, trying my best to fall back asleep, "Can mummy sleep for a few more minutes, my love?" 

"But, Mummy we're going to Daegu today to see halmeoni and harabeoji!!" Chunhei continues to squirm in my arms.

I laugh softly and reach over to grab my phone from the side table. I squint as the screen illuminates and displays "6:23 AM". 

"Yoongs," I whine, reaching over to my boyfriend. 

"Yes, jagi?" He answers back in his deep sleep-filled voice. 

"Why is your daughter wide awake at 6am and how does she have so much energy?"

"She's your daughter too!" 

"Yoongs!" I laugh, swatting aimlessly at him, "Why is our daughter such a morning person?" 

"Don't know honestly," Yoongi sighs, fully opening his eyes and sitting up to lean against the headboard, "We both aren't morning people. She's just a different breed." 

I laugh and tickle Chunhei lightly, earning a few muffled giggles.

"Mummy! C'mon wake up!! Mama said she'd make me pancakes AND chocolate chip cookies!! We gotta get up or else I'll miss them!!" Chunhei whines, untangling herself from my embrace and sliding off the bed. 

"It's only 6am, missy," I answer back, finally getting up and throwing the covers off my body, "How about we finish packing and then we can go and see if Mama started on your pancakes and cookies?" 

"Ok let's go let's go let's go!! The faster we pack, the faster we can eat all those cookies!" Chunhei cheers, practically dragging me out of bed and into the room she had been sleeping and keeping her stuff in. 

"Easy there, little kitten!" I stop her, loosening her grip from my wrist and holding my hand out so she can hold it properly, "Cookies and pancakes can wait! We have to make sure we have all your things packed and ready for halmeoni and harabeoji!" 

"You're right, mummy! Let's go!!" 

As we walk out into the hallway, we run into papa who looks like he was dressed to leave. 

"Good morning, my little tiger!" He smiles, effortlessly picking Chunhei up and showering her face in kisses, "How did you sleep? I know mummy and daddy let you stay up quite late." 

"Hi papa!!" Chunhei giggles, wrapping her arms around her grandpa's neck and giving him snuggles, "I slept good but I didn't sleep for long because mama promised me pancakes and chocolate chip cookies!!"

"So you woke up your mummy and daddy?" My dad dramatically gasps, making the little girl in his arms bounce with giggles. 

"Yes! But now mummy said we have to pack before we eat so we don't forget anything when we go to halmeoni and harabeoji in Daegu!" 

"Why, of course! Mummy's right, tiger! You have to make sure you bring  all your clothes and toys so you can also enjoy them in Daegu!" Papa continues, giving Chunhei one last peck on her forehead before putting her down, "Now, I've got to get going! Mama sent me to get some ingredients for some cookies. You better get packing before I come back!" 

"Mummy, hurry! We gotta finish packing before papa gets back!!" Chunhei squeals pulling me towards her room. 

"Be safe, papa!" I wave at my dad. 

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