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It can't be him. It's just a bad dream...

I thought, moving slowly and hesitantly to the body while struggling to keep the bile of vomit from rising up my throat.

I came to stop some inches away from him. Realisation hit like a truck had ran into me. My heart started to pound hard against my ribcage.

It really is him!

As I stood there frozen, I started to sway. The shock was too much for me to withstand.

I was about to lose my balance when his left hand came alive and clutched my left leg firmly.

"Aaaah!" I screamed and fell on my rump staring with wide eyes at the horror before me.

Using my leg as support, he pulled himself closer to me, bringing his mutilated face inches away from mine.

I couldn't scream. I only trembled in fear.

"Help... help me. Help!" he said in a hoarse voice.

That was enough to tip me off.

I ran.


I have no idea how I managed to wake up the next morning. Maybe the hope of finding everyone home kept me alive. But unfortunately, just like the previous morning, I woke up to an empty house.

The strong pang of hunger hit me immediately. I realised that I hadn't eaten anything since the previous day.

I reluctantly dragged myself out of my room and down the kitchen. I wasn't strong enough to make myself some real food so I opted for some pieces of bread and peanut butter. Pushing the dreadful feeling and what I saw to the back of my brain.

This is just a bad dream. I am probably in a coma...maybe.

There was nothing I liked more than bread. I took five pieces of sliced bread and thoroughly layered them with the peanut butter.


I savored the taste of each piece that entered my mouth. It made me forget my dilemma.

I was about to eat the last piece when I felt swift movements behind me. I slowly got up from my seat and walked into the sitting room.

"Hello?" I called.


Maybe I imagined it.

I was returning to the kitchen when I heard knocks.




The problem came when I realised that it was coming from every door in my vicinity.




That was enough to make me flee.

I ran out of the house and stood outside the gates.


Then I heard them again, louder than before.




It wasn't just coming from my house, it was coming from all the houses in the neighborhood!

As if on cue, a blood curdling scream ripped through the air of the entire island.

They could need my help!

Without thinking twice, I ran nonstop to the direction, adrenaline pumping through my blood.

I came to stop by the only garden on Aromes. It was loved for the many trees and the carpet grass it carried. But what I saw wasn't lovely.


ALONE ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon