Chapter 25 - Trouble comes Knocking Part 2

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The evaluations were in. Crawford Winfield stood before Max, his nostrils flaring as he read Max's report. Despite having received an approbation, Max found out that Laurel had criticized his behaviour. Forced to deal with the ex-military man, he was left with headaches.

Crawford's position as a teacher was the only thing stopping him from consigning Max to a hundred whips. His desire to punish Max instead came out in the form of harsher training. Subjected to almost twice the usual amount of practice, Max felt like even the underworld would be akin to heaven at this point. Sulking and sweating, with no way to worm his way out, he scowled as he watched Lewis and a few others laugh and snicker at his rare moment of plight.

"If you like seeing him work that much... then go join him!" Crawford roared at the sight of their actions, leaving the teenagers cursing their luck. Their pitiful state became a lesson for the rest of the students who quickly looked away and kept to themselves.

Collapsing at the end of it, Max lay, sprawled on the ground, giving no thought to his appearance. He focused less on complaining and more on gasping for air, all the while hoping that the oxygen deprivation wouldn't kill him.

"He should be here. I do believe that this is his class." Max heard an annoyingly familiar voice amid his panting. Bradley appeared, leading a group of uniformed knights. Their steps synchronized, the men's movements resembled a march, the metal on their boots creating a distinct sound with every step. From the swords at their waists and the lion crests on their jackets, it was clear that they belonged to some form of armed forces.

Noticing the group of five, Crawford blocked their path. Expressionless, he observed the symbol of the lion. "Miss Walker belongs to mage class." He coldly stated. "What are you doing here?"

"They have come here for Max 'Walker'." Bradley smirked, emphasizing the Walker in Max's name as he peeked at the young teenager, the schadenfreude obvious. "Gentlemen." He said, "That is the boy."

Max sat up with a frown, meeting each man's gaze and placidly waiting for the scene to play out.

The four nodded, but were once again blocked by an irritated Crawford. "This is Asterisk Academy. Not even the Duke can do as he pleases here."

"Crawford, these men are here on Duke Walker's orders." Bradley grunted unhappily, "Do you intend to go against the Duke?"

"Mind your own business." Crawford snorted without sparing him a glance.

The new arrivals were already a source of attention. Attracted by the crest, the class's gaze continued to shift between the men from the Walker household and Max with interest. Lewis crept up behind Max. "That crest belongs to Duke Walker's family. Stay put while I get Amy." He hurriedly whispered and left without giving Max the opportunity to stop him.

"Major Crawford, you're making things difficult for us." One of the guards saluted and stepped forward with a bitter smile. "We're just here to do our jobs."

Crawford responded with a terse acknowledgment. "What do you want?"

The man took out neatly rolled paper from the pouch on his waist. Unfurled, the parchment revealed a decree which was presented to the stoic Major. "I believe that this should clear things up." He said.

"What's your name, kid?" Crawford asked as skimmed through the scroll with a scowl.

"Victor, sir."

"You were in the army?"

"I quit just as they promoted me to captain."

"Max" Crawford barked, beckoning his tired student to come over. "Duke Walker has asked for your presence." Crawford explained to Max, "The Academy has agreed to his request. It seems that he has questions about the incident at Ironforge."

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