♛ First of all, hello♛

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Welcome to my space, where I list all my favorite Chinese stories.

A few details before starting:

This list is never final. I change regularly especially with my proofreadings (and my opinions which change). 

You will only find summaries with the number of chapters for each.

They're not all on wattpad, so type in the title on google followed by the word "Read" and you'll have the stories.

Unfortunately no links, due to the lack of functioning of the platform. If you are looking for and do not find, do not hesitate to DM me or write on the post, I will give it to you.

If you want an opinion on your book, I am open, and if I really like it, I will add it to my recommendations.

✈ I hope that like the prince with cinderella, you will find the right shoe for you ✈

Recommendations of historical Chinese novelsWhere stories live. Discover now