09: Field Trip

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The sound of intense banging woke Sofia. She sat straight up in bed with a frown at the disruption. Someone banged on her door again.

"Get up! It's time for breakfast! Hurry up!" Severus  Snape's voice insisted on the other side of her bedroom door.

Sofia grumbled, not caring if she was in her nightgown. She went over and opened the door. "What!? What do you need so badly it requires waking the entire school?"

Snape sneered at her comment. "I have instructions from Riddle to escort you anywhere you need to go until further notice."

"Wonderful," Sofia said.

"Yes, you really look thrilled. Hurry up, I'm not missing breakfast because of you." Severus said.

"Fine," Sofia said.

She started to close the door when Severus blocked it from closing.

"Where are you going?" Snape demanded.

Sofia shoved him out the door. "Do you think I'm going like this?"

She got dressed and hurried to catch up with Snape as he quickened his pace. "So, are you claimed by Riddle then?"

"Don't be stupid." He responded.

"Guess that's a no." She muttered.

They both entered the Great Hall, but Sofia went her own direction. She leaned against a wall with a sigh, waiting her turn as the purebloods finished eating.

"Hey, Sofia! Over here!" James Potter called out.

Sofia went over to Jame's table and hesitated. "I'm not supposed to sit with purebloods."

"It's okay if we invite you," Sirius spoke up.

"Thanks." Sofia sat down and filled her plate with poached eggs, bacon, and toast.

"Hey, what did you do with the map?" James asked.

"I thought you had it," Sirius said.

James looked at Lupin who also shrugged. "Peter must have it."

"Where is Peter anyway?" Lupin asked.

The name made Sofia freeze.

"I'm not sure, I haven't seen him since yesterday in class," James said.

They don't know yet. Sofia thought.

The memory of Peter made Sofia lose her appetite.

After breakfast, Riddle stepped up to the podium. "Please remain seated. I have something to discuss with everyone here.  It is a matter I take very seriously. This school has always been a place of safety. Yesterday, a young lady was sexually assaulted by a student."

The students began whispering among themselves.

"Quiet! I'm not done yet." Riddle warned.

The room quieted instantly.

"I wonder who got attacked," James said.

"Probably a half-blood or muggle-born," Sirius said.

Sofia didn't respond to them.

Riddle continued talking. "This person has violated school rules and will be expelled in front of all of you. Peter Pettigrew come up here please."

Every head turned as Peter came through the Great Hall doors, looking like a timid, shamed mouse.

Now it was James, Sirius, and Lupin's turn to be surprised.

"What?" Sirius said.

"This has to be a mistake. Peter would never do that." James said.

"Yes, he would!" Sofia snapped.

They all turned to look at Sofia, who looked like a deer caught in the headlights. She turned her gaze away embarrassed.

Peter Pettigrew stepped up on the platform. He didn't have the courage to look Riddle in the eye and surveyed the Great Hall. All eyes were on Peter. Sofia glared as their eyes met but Peter gave no acknowledgment.

"Look at me." Tom Riddle ordered.

Peter looked even more frightened and swallowed a lump in his throat.

Riddle continued. "As of today, you are expelled from Hogwarts."

Peter nodded, looking at the ground and started to walk away.

Riddle's tone lowered to a threatening whisper. "I'm not done yet."

Peter looked surprised, unable to turn from Riddle's gaze.

"I'm sending you to the Pit." Riddle declared.

Several students gasped.

"You've got to be joking?" Sirius exclaimed.

James Potter shook his head. Lupin looked pale.

RIddle crossed his arms as if daring Pettigrew to argue. Pettigrew looked like he was about to faint. 

"Sofia." Riddle motioned for her to come to him.

Her face reddened at being summoned in front of everyone. She kept her eyes on Riddle, not wanting to look at Peter.

"We're going on a little trip. I'll be taking Peter myself and you're coming with me. I want you to see the Pit yourself. Hold on." Riddle said.

Sofia nodded and put her hands around Riddle's arm. All three apparated together and reappeared in a dimly lit warehouse. The faded brick walls and the chipped concrete floor gave the place an old feel. Various people were carrying heavy stone and large bags from one room to another. It reminded Sofia of construction work. It didn't appear to have any purpose other than punishment. One older man with long white hair and shirtless walked past her with a heavy beam balanced on his shoulder. A mezzanine surrounded the entire floor above them. One wizard surveyed from above and walked out to another room.

Tom motioned for a nearby wizard to come over. "I have a new worker for you."

"Ah yes, let's go in my office for processing." The wizard said.

"Jensen?" The wizard called.

A witch appeared and put a metal cuff on Peter's arm then walked him out without a word.

"What was that cuff?" Sofia asked.

"Hmm? Oh, that's to prevent any witch or wizard from using magic." He said.

Sofia was left alone as Riddle and the wizard left the room. She felt relief wash over her but at the same time, she felt sorry for Peter. He definitely wasn't cut for this type of labor.

"Sofia." A voice called out.

Sofia looked up, startled. A wizard in a black cloak and hood stood on top of the mezzanine. His face was covered with a black and gold mask.

When did he apparate in? How does he know my name? Sofia thought.

The wizard above her didn't move as he watched her intently for a moment. Sofia walked closer for a better look.

"Excuse me do I know you? Are you one of the guards here?" Sofia asked.

"I am Merrick." He said. Without another word, he threw a wand at Sofia's feet.

It took her a moment before her eyes widened at the sight of it. She picked up the wand looking it over. It was her wand that went missing the day Riddle attacked. She had pushed the memory to the back of her mind. A mix of emotions flooded through her.

Finally, the wizard spoke. "I want you to kill Tom Riddle."

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