16: Hidden Secrets

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Sofia woke up early and rushed out. She nearly tripped over her bodyguard who had fallen asleep in his chair, his feet spread out in her path. It was never the same student twice and she never recognized any of them.

He looked up as she stumbled.

"I think it's safe to say you can go to class now." She said.

The boy grunted and left without a word. How long was Riddle going to keep this up? Riddle might be looking out for her, but students were beginning to glare at her as they passed by her in the hallways.

She wasn't hungry yet, so Sofia went up to Riddle's office to help grade student papers. It gave her something to do and helped pass the time.

Riddle had gone to breakfast. Sofia was halfway through the stack when a gust of air came out of nowhere. Several papers blew off Riddle's desk, scattering them across the room. She tried to catch as many as she could but failed miserably.

"What the hell?" She shouted.

She began picking up the scattered mess and ducked under the desk to get the rest. A creaking noise drew her attention as she heard the click from one of Riddle's locked cupboards.

Sofia popped her head out but saw no one. The cupboard door was left open. "Hello?"

Nobody answered. She got up and closed the cupboard and went back to grading papers.

Later, she went down to breakfast while there was still some left. She spotted the boys and sat next to them. Remus looked much better than last week. Sirius was leaning on one hand, while his eyelids fluttered for a moment as he fell asleep. James smiled, unable to resist temptation, and pushed Sirius' elbow out of the way.

Sirus's face fell into his oatmeal as Sofia and Remus froze. Sirius shouted himself awake and glared at James, oatmeal covering his face. James burst out laughing until finally Sofia and Remus joined in.

"Think you're funny?" Sirius said.

Sofia and Remus quieted down as Sirius wasn't laughing. This only made James laugh harder.

"Give me one reason I don't punch you in the face?" Sirius challenged.

James had a mischievous look about him as he held up a blank parchment. "Because today is a great day!"

Sirius stared at James in amazement. "You're kidding!"

Remus smiled softly and shook his head. "How did you manage to get that back?"

"Why is everyone so excited over a blank bit of parchment?" Sofia asked.

Sirius smiled ear to ear and broke out laughing.

"I am simply amazing, that's why," James said.

"What is that?" Sofia asked.

"Don't worry about it, sweetheart." James winked at Sofia.

Sofia went quiet. For the first time, she felt she didn't belong in their group. "Fine. Keep your secrets." Sofia said.

She got up, trying to hide the fact that it bothered her.

"Oh, don't go away mad honey." Sirius teased, "Just go away."

Sofia threw Sirius a tight smile and decided to go to the library and research dreams.

Most books were on dream meanings. Doors represented transitions in life. That was unhelpful. She spent most of the day in the library. Back when she was in school, she never really went here unless it was necessary for a project. She found a book on Lucid Dreaming. How to know that you're dreaming and triggers to use while awake. Triggers were used while awake and let you know you were dreaming while asleep. Her favorite trigger was holding your nose. While awake you can't breathe, in dreams, you can. This one would be good to use.

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