Serena Green-Mist(No Mist for her cuz she's a demigod tho)

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I was simply taking a stroll around the park with my best friend, Jonas Jones. We were laughing and talking. We ended up at the ice cream store. Jonas wheeled himself in his wheelchair and ordered a cotton candy flavored scoop. I ordered chocolate fudge swirl and we sat down, eating. Jonas and I were greeted by some guy that had trays of water. We sipped gratefully and continued to eat. A guy with a plate full of tacos sat down and ate on the patio. Jonas shuddered, looking away from the meat spilling out from the sides of the taco.

"Why do you hate meat so much, Jonas?"

"Nothing... I just... don't like killing animals..." he muttered.

"What do you mean? We kill animals everyday!" I snorted, thinking about the times Jonas would throw knives into huge black untamable dogs.

He'd always make me look away before they died, though.

"Those are... different. I can't tell you much. It'll only put you in danger," he whispered silently.

What is so bad he can't tell his best friend?

I sighed, plugging in my earbuds and listening to Percy Jackson's new hit, 'Fall For You'. Jonas was staring at the phone nervously. What the heck? I saw his elbow move and his glass of water spill all over my phone. It smoked and sparks flew before it died. My phone was gone.

"WHAT THE HECK, JONAS?!" I screamed.

"Look... you won't understand. It's for your own safety," he sighed.


"Look, it's not what you think!" Jonas argued, pulling me away from the shop.

I shook my head in confusion. I saw a girl with a punk vibe and electric blue eyes sitting on a bench. She was reading a note. I caught, 'Aegis' and nothing else. I frowned. Why was I able to read it? I am dyslexic! I also tend to fall asleep in class—STUPID ADHD! I frowned and Jonas looked at the girl.

"Oh, hey, Thals!"

The girl looked up.

"Oh, hey, Jonas!"

"You know her?" I asked Jonas.


"How?" I asked, flabbergasted.

"Well, we both go to the same summer camp."

"Okay..." I asked, embarrassed.

Jonas waved goodbye and we saw a group of kids laughing and talking. Jonas waved and they all waved back, looking at me. Anyway, I saw some electric bike renting shop, so I decided to go check it out. Jonas was being dragged behind as we rode in the wind. I closed my eyes for a second and whooped, feeling the air blow my hair back. I bumped into something that let out an 'umph'.

I stopped the engine, frowned, took off my helmet and opened my eyes. Jonas had already gotten out. I had hit someone. I looked down to see a really hot face. His eyes were closed and his head was cracked, leaking blood. He had a perfect beach tan and messy windswept black hair. Jonas knelt down beside him.

"Hey, you okay?"

"He's unconscious, Jonas!" I groaned, slapping my brows.

I looked at his face. It had no acne, no pimples, no flaw. It was smooth, soft, and perfect. I felt myself drooling, but I stopped when I saw the teenager group from earlier staring at me. I tried to gently nudge him awake.

"Sir, I'm so sorry, please wake up."

He didn't do anything. I nudged him again. Finally, Jonas lost it.

"That's not how you wake him up!" he hissed.

Jonas slapped him hard and screamed.

"WAKE UP, P!" he yelled.

I clamped a hand over his mouth.

"Sh! That's not necessary!" I hushed.

The guy's eyes fluttered open and I saw startling sea-green eyes. They were whirlpools of bliss. His eyebrows furrowed and his perfectly toned arm reached upward to his head. His eyes were beautiful. Soft, yet electrifying. They were the most unique things I've ever seen! Only one person in the whole world possesses them naturally, and that is... Percy Jackson!

"You're... you're Percy Jackson!" I exclaimed.

He winced and gave a feeble nod.

"Y-Yeah..." he muttered, his eyes closing.

A growl was heard and I saw a huge black dog. Percy took out a pen and it transformed into a sword! WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?! It died and he staggered as he stood up, blood pouring out of his head.

"We'" he groaned weakly.

He put a hand over his head wound like he was scratching his hair and ran off with Jonas. I perked up and got on the electric bike, riding with them. Percy drove it like it was nothing. He groaned in pain occasionally, but eventually, he got to some forest. We drove and Jonas took out a small knife, slashing at any animal in his path.

"I thought you hated killing animals!" I shrieked as one almost got my leg.

"I told you it's different!" Jonas yelled, dodging a claw.

We made it into some camp and Percy got off of the bike.

"Welcome to Camp Half-Blood."

I looked. There were people sword-fighting and climbing volcanoes, growing plants with their hands, running on winged shoes, throwing fire at each other, jumping into pools of water, everything! I took a look at Percy. He sighed.

"The Greek gods are real, don't question it, it's real."

Before I could answer, he fell on the floor, groaning, his eyelids fluttering. A girl with blonde princess curls and calculating gray eyes came forward. She gasped and pulled his head onto her lap.

"What happened to you, Seaweed Brain?"

"Grgh," he groaned weakly.

Jonas got off of the wheelchair, feet coming off to reveal furry legs.

"WHOA! WHAT THE HECK?!" I screamed.

"I'm a satyr. The dogs you just saw were monsters and there are much more dangerous beasts. Percy here had to defeat the Minotaur with his hands when he was twelve on his way here."

Percy groaned again and Jonas ran off to return with a bottle of water. He threw it all over Percy's head and the wound closed up. Percy was okay. He sat up, a little drowsy. I stared in confusion. Jonas pointed to Percy, then the blonde.

"Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon. Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena."

I saw the plants explode around me as I let out a shriek.


Something came above my head and Jonas smiled.

"Daughter of Demeter, I see. Don't force me to eat cereal all the time, okay?"

6/17/20: I made edits on this because a reader told me that satyrs are never girls. Thanks for the comment and I will make sure to not make such mistakes again!


Lil Lisa

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