Chapter 25

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It's time for breakfast after her reprieve watching Lucien train. Sera was strictly professional, handing him a towel to wipe off the sweat, mechanically helping him dress, and accompanying him as he eats breakfast. Lucien ignored her and treated her like any other maid, which was nice, her mind tells her, while her heart twinged with regret.

It was harder to stay professional when he sits her down next to him, a maid bringing a meal tray for Sera as well. He pulls her by the wrist, and she stumbles into the chair next to him, drawn out for her by a flustered manservant. The manservant doesn't acknowledge Sera when she gives him a small thank you, looking behind her to something that makes him widen his eyes and quickly scurry away. Why was he scared? The only thing behind her was Lucien. The thought disappears as the maid moves to lift the cloche. She was expecting to see some sandwiches, or light foods at best for a maid like her. That expectation is proved wrong when she's taken by surprise as the silver dome lifts from the tray.

The King's maid must also have the role of a poison tester, she thinks. Sera smiles at the maid that straightens the silverware of various sizes before her. Before her is the same meal of roasted meat, scrambled eggs, and a hearty soup. The portions are much smaller compared to the plates of food piled high with meat that almost completely cover the surface of the table. But, they're still the same foods as the ones set in front of Lucien.

The sharp sound of something breaking , and a maid apologizes profusely in a wavering voice. Her eyes are unfocused as she frantically tries to gather pieces into her apron. Sera gets up and kneels next to her, when she sees the maid trying to pick up the shards of a broken cup with her bare hands.

"Don't do that, it's all right! Someone can bring a broom, and we can sweep it up."

She takes the maid's hands in hers, and leads her to breathe deeply together. It was only a simple cup. Why was she so frightened? The blonde maid's hands seem to stop shaking, and Sera feels the dry texture of a folded piece of paper pressed into her palm. She's passed her a note. Right after that, another manservant comes back with a broom, and they quietly begin to brush the pieces across the lush carpet into the pan.

"Thank you, miss. We can handle things from here." The manservant never meets her eyes, pointing her back to her seat. After checking the maid's hands for any cuts and finding them perfectly fine, Sera reluctantly goes back to her seat.

When she takes a seat, she finds that the portions on her plate seems to have increased. Where there used to be only the meat, bread, and soup, was now joined with some fish and greens. There was more food on her plate than when she left her seat.

The meal is delicious, so it doesn't take long for Sera to go through half her plate. She looks back where the servants were cleaning up the mess. They look ok. Sera looks back at her plate. Picking up a fork, she gives a start and looks at it for a second time. Her plate was filled with food again. That can't be right. Was this like one of those magically refilling plates like in the fairytales? There was no way she'd only imagined eating half of what was on her plate.

Sera was raised in a household where you don't waste food. If it's on your plate, you had to eat it, no matter what. It was part of her parents' education to teach her to only take what you needed. That education worked in her now, prompting her to continue eating, but with a solwer pace, finishing only 1/4th of what was there.

The servants exit the room with the broom and pan. Sera glances away from her plate when the door creaks open. Looking back down, lo and behold, her plate is filled again. This was going from a wondrous magical plate to a plate that wanted to feed her to death. Her stomach was way to full to finish this whole plate.

From the corner of her eye, a long arm enters her vision, and another slice of choice red meat is placed on her plate. Sera is perplexed. Did that just happen? Lucien wordlessly continues his meal like nothing happened. She looks up at the maids, and back at her plate. Looks at him, and back at her plate. He'd put the food there for her. He'd been doing it again and again as the course continued.

This had to stop. Any more, and her stomach might burst.


"Hmm?" Although Lucien's face is still dark and growly like a bear, Sera can tell that he seems to be in a good mood, from the way his blue eyes gives a small twinkle.

She supposes it was because it was like a return to the good old days, when she would sneak food onto Lucien's plate in the meal tent. This was something special only for Lucien, with small snacks and savory treats like cookies and jerky, that she'd bought with her own hard-earned money, or found the time to make. She enjoyed feeding him. In war, everyone was always hungry, even if the troops were well-supplied. Foods that weren't supplied from the meal tent was a luxury, and there was an active bartering business trading them. It was his turn now to feed her. She would give Lucien a A+ for effort.

"I apologize, I won't be able to continue the meal. There's simply no more space for the food to go."

His brow raises in surprise.

"With only that amount?"

"No wonder you're so thin.." He sighs.

"I'll let you off for today. You can accompany me while I finish the meal"

"Yes, your majesty."

The corner of the paper note digs into the skin on her wrist, where she'd slipped it into a sleeve.

She gazes out a window, listening to the sound of silverware clicking against porcelain. Her full stomach, left side that can feel the heat that emanates from Lucien, and the finger that throbs in tune with her heartbeat, all work to remind her of him.

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