Chapter 43

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Aslan lets out a whicker as he follows behind them. His ears flickered with curiosity at where his master was going, carrying the lady. Maybe he had hidden carrots there! The great stallion pawed the ground, flicking his head in eagerness.

Meanwhile, Sera wiggled in Lucien's grasp. She has to hold down her beautiful hat from falling off her head and onto the muddy ground, already the veil so close to trailing on the ground. It bellows off Sera's head, obscuring her view of the world around her to see Lucien's tight butt flexing as he walked.

"I can walk, you know."

"I know"

Wiggling her butt to loosen his hold on her, Sera was shocked when she feels a light slap, and then a big palm fondle her buttocks.

She sucks in a breath.

"Keep still."

Lucien reaches under her thick skirt and gives her plump buttocks a squeeze. Sera needed to have some more meat on her, he thought. She was too skinny, especially that time he first saw her in the hallway.

"Set me down!" Sera raises her voice, which earns her another light tap on her butt and then his rough palm rubbing away the slight sting.

"I can do this all day" Lucien gives a small smirk. Sera didn't know how much he was enjoying this, her delectable body squirming in his arms.

Sera huffed with annoyance. He wouldn't stop touching her body either way. This was the worst position to be with, available for Lucien's roaming fingers.

She goes silent. Lucien's smirk fades.

Again with the silence. It had been a frequent companion to the two the past few days.

Sera had done her best to keep her conversations with Lucien to a minimum. It wasn't good to fall in any deeper in love with him than she'd done already. It would make it harder for her to leave. She'd already become his willing mistress. This way was better for them both.

Sera's body bobs and waves in time with his gait. The whole time, he plays with her body, dipping close to her but skirting around her inner thighs, making her gasp and shift uncomfortably over his good shoulder.

"We've arrived."

Lucien crouches down to set Sera on her feet. Stepping away from him so he can't hear her rough breathing from the mischief he'd worked on her, Sera parts aside the swirling gossamer veil to see the vision before her.

There, spread out before her, was a sparkling pure lake. Where she stood, the lake water gently lapped on the shores, and grassland with thousands of tiny wildflowers blew in the wind. Tall weeping willows draped themselves into the lake, like pearls that adorned a noblewoman's neck. The cool breeze that swept through this place, played through each long willow frond, creating a whispering echo that shivered through the listener's mind.

"It's, so very beautiful" the words unconsciously escape her soft pink lips, on an exhale.

Lucien whispers something behind her.

Sera, distracted by her body that feels hot and bothered, doesn't hear him. Lucien had roused something in her.

The flowers were crushed under Lucien's boots as he steps nonchalantly to stand behind Sera. He didn't care for the beauty that was all around them. Pinching her chin that's faced towards the lake, he makes her turn, stoops down, and kisses her from behind. Sera tries to turn her neck away, in her token resistance that they both knew didn't mean anything.

Eventually, she would give in, and let him have his way with her.

"We're outside!" Sera points out.

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