Chapter Two

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It was my junior year of high school, and I couldn't wait to see what the year would bring. I wasn't the most popular student. I was actually sort of an outcast, but it didn't really bother me because all I needed was my best friend, Logan.

"Hey, Riles, how have you been?"

"Logan, I missed you so much! Next summer if your family goes out of town, you have to take me with you!" I said as I jumped into his arms.

"The summer couldn't have been that miserable," Logan said with a smirk on his face.

"This summer was the worst, Logan. I almost killed my neighbor." I whispered so the other students in the hall wouldn't hear me.

"Stop exaggerating, Riles. Wasn't attempted murder on your summer to-do list?" Logan chuckled, but soon he realized I wasn't joking. I couldn't shake the look of panic off of my face.

"Riley, did you really almost kill Ms. Grady? I know you didn't like her, but don't you think that's going a little too far?" Logan said as he looked at me with piercing eyes.

I started crying uncontrollably. I had been suppressing my feelings for the entire summer because Logan wasn't there. My mom tried to be understanding, but her words of wisdom weren't able to make the pain go away.

"I didn't try to kill her. It was an accident." I continued to tell him what had transpired. I could tell that he had no idea what to say. When he finally opened his mouth, he said the last thing that I wanted to hear.

"Riles, you know you have to apologize to him, right?" Logan stared at me waiting for a reply.

"I know I should, but I can't. I spent so much time apologizing to him, and it got me nowhere. He was such a jerk to me all summer long. Well, not all summer, but for most of it." I snapped back.

"Let's just drop it for now. I haven't seen you all summer. I just wanna catch up with you. We can deal with this another time." Logan said.

Moments later, the bell rang. Junior year had officially begun.

We walked into Mr. Scott's class. He was one of the strictest teachers at Moon Ridge High. I wasn't too concerned because I normally stayed out of trouble. However, today was anything but normal. Logan and I arrived just before the second bell rang.

"Miss Abernathy, Mr. Andrews, how nice of you to join us. The rest of your classmates arrived early enough to choose their seats. You two will be sitting next to Mr. Alexander." Mr. Scott said.

"Who is Mr. Alexander?" I thought to myself for a moment. As a gazed across the room looking for my seat, I locked eyes with Reagan and realized that the only two empty seats were next to him. It didn't make sense that I would have to sit by Reagan. Maybe I was being paranoid, but I almost felt as though he orchestrated the entire thing.

"Mr. Scott, may I please sit somewhere else?" I inquired.

"No, that is your assigned seat for the rest of the school year." He quickly responded.


Mr. Scott interrupted me.

"Butts are for seats. Put yours in one immediately, or your butt will be in detention after school."

The class laughed.

I didn't think it was funny. I was so embarrassed. I walked to my seat, sat down, and did my best not to look at Reagan. Logan had taken the seat in front of him, and I had to sit directly next to Reagan. This school year was quickly becoming my worst nightmare.

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